Software Used by Hayao Miyazaki’s Animation Studio Is Now Officially Ready to Download


FYI: Ear­ly last week, Col­in Mar­shall gave you a heads up that Stu­dio Ghi­b­li, the ani­ma­tion stu­dio behind Hayao Miyazaki’s My Neigh­bor Totoro, Princess Mononoke, and Spir­it­ed Away, was prepar­ing to release an open source ver­sion of the ani­ma­tion soft­ware used to cre­ate its films. This week­end, the software–called OpenToonz–officially became avail­able for down­load. And we can now tell you where to find it. Open­Toonz is avail­able on Github, in ver­sions made for both Win­dow and OSX. This link will jump you straight to the down­load area.

If you make any­thing great with it, please share it with us.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.