Download the Foo Fighters’ EP Saint Cecilia Free: MP3, FLAC, WAV, iTunes & Other Formats

saint cecilia

This one slipped by me some­how. So let me flag it, in case it slipped by you too. Late last year, The Foo Fight­ers released online a free EP called Saint Cecil­ia, part­ly as a way to thank their fans for their stead­fast sup­port, and part­ly to help raise mon­ey for the vic­tims of the hor­rif­ic attacks in ParisRecord­ed over the course of 11 days at the Hotel Saint Cecil­ia in Austin, Texas–a hotel named after the patron saint of musicians–the EP just became avail­able in vinyl. Spin mag­a­zine calls Saint Cecil­ia the “Foo Fight­ers’ best record in years.” You can down­load it in MP3, Flac, WAV, and iTunes for­mats here.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Dave Grohl Shows How He Plays the Gui­tar As If It Were a Drum Kit

Hear Dave Grohl’s First Foo Fight­ers Demo Record­ings, As Kurt Cobain Did in 1992

1,000 Musi­cians Per­form Foo Fight­ers’ “Learn to Fly” in Uni­son in Italy; Dave Grohl Responds in Ital­ian

Lis­ten to The John Bon­ham Sto­ry, a Radio Show Host­ed by Dave Grohl


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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.