A Complete Collection of Wes Anderson Video Essays

What with the lav­ish atten­tion he and his col­lab­o­ra­tors pay to art, design, cos­tum­ing, fram­ing, com­po­si­tion, and edit­ing — and espe­cial­ly con­sid­er­ing the pains he and his col­lab­o­ra­tors take to ref­er­ence and adapt pieces of the art of cin­e­ma that came before them — who does it sur­prise that Wes Ander­son become such a fruit­ful sub­ject for video essay­ists? His films, from the hum­ble fea­ture debut Bot­tle Rock­et and sopho­more break­out Rush­more to more recent exten­sions of his project like Moon­rise King­dom and The Grand Budapest Hotel, can seem made espe­cial­ly for cinephiles handy with Final Cut to take apart, and put back togeth­er again.

“I will NOT be doing a Wes Ander­son video essay,” says Tony Zhou, cre­ator of the video essay series Every Frame a Paint­ing. “The mar­ket is sat­u­rat­ed and I have noth­ing to add.” Those who have enjoyed Zhou’s astute break­downs of the work of Mar­tin Scors­ese, Jack­ie Chan, Michael Bay, Edgar Wright, Aki­ra Kuro­sawa, David Finch­er, Buster Keaton, and the Coen Broth­ers (as well as the use and abuse of his home­town of Van­cou­ver) pre­vi­ous­ly fea­tured here might con­sid­er that a shame. But he has put togeth­er a list of all the oth­er video essay­ists’ work on Ander­son, which includes Matt Zoller Seitz’s thir­teen pieces:

Bot­tle Rock­et


The Roy­al Tenen­baums

The Life Aquat­ic with Steve Zis­sou

The Dar­jeel­ing Lim­it­ed

Fan­tas­tic Mr. Fox

Moon­rise King­dom

The Grand Budapest Hotel

[Note: All of the videos above are gath­ered here in one place.]

Wes Ander­son: The Sub­stance of Style (five parts)

And Zhou’s list fea­tures video essays from oth­er cre­ators:


Wes Ander­son // Cen­tered
Wes Ander­son // From Above

Jaume R. Lloret
Wes Ander­son // Vehi­cles

Rishi Kane­r­ia
Red & Yel­low: A Wes Ander­son Super­cut

Paul Waters
Wes Ander­son: A Mini Doc­u­men­tary

Way Too Indie
Mise en Scène & The Visu­al Themes of Wes Ander­son

Zhou also includes three in-depth blog posts by film schol­ar David Bor­d­well on Ander­son­’s shot-con­scious­nessThe Grand Budapest Hotel, and Moon­rise King­dom. “Now, nev­er ask me about Wes Ander­son again,” hav­ing already re-empha­sized that he does not, in any case, take video essay requests. But if you’d like to con­tin­ue see­ing him make video essays on whichev­er sub­jects he does choose going for­ward, have a look at Every Frame a Paint­ing’s Patre­on page to find out how you can sup­port his always-stim­u­lat­ing exam­i­na­tions of nev­er-Ander­son auteurs.

(And if you still can’t do with­out more Ander­son, spend some time with the relat­ed con­tent below.)

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Watch 7 New Video Essays on Wes Anderson’s Films: Rush­more, The Roy­al Tenen­baums & More

What’s the Big Deal About Wes Anderson’s The Grand Budapest Hotel? Matt Zoller Seitz’s Video Essay Explains

Every Frame a Paint­ing Explains the Film­mak­ing Tech­niques of Mar­tin Scors­ese, Jack­ie Chan, and Even Michael Bay

The Geo­met­ric Beau­ty of Aki­ra Kuro­sawa and Wes Anderson’s Films

Watch a Super Cut of Wes Anderson’s Sig­na­ture Slo-Mo Shots

Wes Ander­son Likes the Col­or Red (and Yel­low)

The Per­fect Sym­me­try of Wes Anderson’s Movies

A Glimpse Into How Wes Ander­son Cre­ative­ly Remixes/Recycles Scenes in His Dif­fer­ent Films

Wes Ander­son & Yasu­jiro Ozu: New Video Essay Reveals the Unex­pect­ed Par­al­lels Between Two Great Film­mak­ers

Books in the Films of Wes Ander­son: A Super­cut for Bib­lio­philes

Based in Seoul, Col­in Mar­shall writes and broad­casts on cities, lan­guage, and style. He’s at work on a book about Los Ange­les, A Los Ange­les Primer, the video series The City in Cin­e­ma, the crowd­fund­ed jour­nal­ism project Where Is the City of the Future?, and the Los Ange­les Review of Books’ Korea Blog. Fol­low him on Twit­ter at @colinmarshall or on Face­book.

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