Watch the Eagles of Death Metal Perform Live Again Tonight in Paris

“There’s noth­ing left but to intro­duce you to some peo­ple whose lives will for­ev­er be a part of the life of Paris. These are our broth­ers. They were robbed of their stage three weeks ago, and we would like to offer them ours tonight.” And with those words from Bono, the Eagles of Death Met­al took the stage again tonight in Paris, just three weeks after the hor­rif­ic ter­ror­ist attack at Le Bat­a­clan. Up top, see them sing, along with U2, a ver­sion of Pat­ti Smith’s “Peo­ple Have the Pow­er.” Next, a ver­sion of their own song, “I Love You All the Time.”

Whether the band would per­form again was nev­er in doubt. Inter­viewed days after the attack, the band, still reel­ing, told Vice they had an oblig­a­tion to car­ry on. In the poignant video below, Jesse Hugh­es said it all: “I can­not wait to get back to Paris. I can­not wait to play. I want to come back. I want to be the first band to play at Le Bat­a­clan when it opens.” Play­ing at Le Bat­a­clan may have to wait. But get­ting back to Paris, that’s now cer­tain­ly done.

via The New York Times

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