Before Friday, we had never managed to cover NASCAR, but we crossed that off the list when we featured Terry Gilliam’s mockumentary The Legend of Hallowdega. And now today we have another Open Culture first: yes, an archive of free, entertaining videos for cats and dogs.
Over the past 6 years, Paul Dinning has created a YouTube channel packed with over 400 videos featuring the wildlife of Cornwall, England. And, from that footage, he has cobbled together playlists designed to delight all cats and dogs with access to the internet. And, apparently cats and dogs are watching. The first video above, called “Squirrel and Bird Fun,” has clocked some 863,000 views over the past year. And the next video, “The Ultimate Videos of Birds for Cats To Watch,” has 946,000 views since January. I showed the videos to my cat Cocco [sic] and, I kid you not, he was transfixed.
A longer playlist of videos for cats and dogs can be viewed here.
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My cat just watched 23 minutes of the 36 min video straight!