A quick folÂlow up: Back in JanÂuÂary, ColÂin MarÂshall took you inside HaruÂki Murakami’s unexÂpectÂed stint as an agony uncle, writÂing an online advice colÂumn called Mr. Murakami’s Place. AccordÂing to his pubÂlishÂer, readÂers sent the JapanÂese novÂelÂist 37,465 quesÂtions (see a few in transÂlaÂtion here), and he penned responsÂes to 3,716 of them — answerÂing quesÂtions like: “30 is right around the corÂner for me, but there isn’t a sinÂgle thing that I feel like I’ve accomÂplished.… What should I do with myself?” Or, “My wife quite freÂquentÂly belchÂes right near the back of my head when she passÂes behind me… Is there someÂthing I can do to stop my wife’s belchÂing?”
LuckÂiÂly, at least for JapanÂese readÂers, MurakaÂmi has now pubÂlished his responsÂes (all of them) as an ebook in Japan. And it’s been climbÂing Japan’s KinÂdle bestÂseller list. CurÂrentÂly, there are no plans to release Mr. Murakami’s Place — The ComÂplete EdiÂtion – in EngÂlish. The task of transÂlatÂing what amounts to an 8‑volume set of books would be forÂmiÂdaÂble. And yet someÂhow — like most things MurakaÂmi has writÂten — I susÂpect the colÂlecÂtion will evenÂtuÂalÂly see the light of day in EngÂlish-speakÂing marÂkets.
Thanks to @justinmegahan and @hyloupa for helpÂing us track down this book.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Please transÂlate it into EngÂlish please. PLEASE.