At CreÂative ComÂmons, a lot of the work we do to supÂport the comÂmons is in the backÂground. We write and stewÂard copyÂright licensÂes that help fuel the open web. We help push through open poliÂcies at the govÂernÂment, uniÂverÂsiÂty, and founÂdaÂtion levÂel to increase access to acaÂdÂeÂmÂic, sciÂenÂtifÂic, culÂturÂal and othÂer types of conÂtent. We fight for senÂsiÂble copyÂright reform. All of this work is imporÂtant, and we’re going to conÂtinÂue to do it.
But we also want to try our hand at someÂthing more visÂiÂble. Our plan is to spend the next year colÂlabÂoÂraÂtiveÂly researchÂing and writÂing a book about busiÂness modÂels that involve CreÂative ComÂmons licensÂing. Even our fundÂing stratÂeÂgy for this project is pubÂlic-facÂing and colÂlabÂoÂraÂtive. Last week we launched our first-ever KickÂstarter to raise monÂey for the project, and we hope you’ll become a part of it all by makÂing a pledge at any amount.
CrowdÂfundÂing this project is a way to kick off the project in an open and visÂiÂble way, and to gathÂer supÂport and exciteÂment for our work. But it is also a way to get first-hand expeÂriÂence with a busiÂness modÂel that involves CreÂative ComÂmons. As we raise funds to supÂport the develÂopÂment of a book we will ultiÂmateÂly give away for free under a CC license, we are a case study for our own book. We’re off to a strong start and we’re learnÂing as we go.
And we’re going to do it entireÂly in the open. We’ve startÂed a MediÂum pubÂliÂcaÂtion called “Made with CreÂative ComÂmons” to use as our digÂiÂtal whiteÂboard. ThroughÂout the year, we’ll be writÂing there about the things we learn, the quesÂtions we have, the probÂlems we face. We’re hopÂing to make the research and writÂing process as colÂlabÂoÂraÂtive as posÂsiÂble. KickÂstarter backÂers can also become co-creÂators of the book to receive earÂly drafts of our writÂing as we go and proÂvide input to help shape the book.
We’re realÂly excitÂed about this ambiÂtious project. CreÂatÂing and sharÂing is what CC is all about, and as we do it, we’re hopÂing to reveal strateÂgies that othÂer creÂators and busiÂnessÂes can use for their own work. We hope you’ll join us!
–Sarah HinchÂliff PearÂson is Senior CounÂsel at CreÂative ComÂmons.
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