“More peoÂple died in World War II than any othÂer war in hisÂtoÂry,” explains Neil HalÂloÂran in The FallÂen of World War II. In his 15-minute film, HalÂloÂran uses innoÂvÂaÂtive data visuÂalÂizaÂtion techÂniques to put the human cost of WW II into perÂspecÂtive, showÂing how some 70 milÂlion lives were lost withÂin civilÂian and milÂiÂtary popÂuÂlaÂtions across Europe and Asia, from 1939 to 1945. As one comÂmenter put it, “One milÂlion, six milÂlion, sevÂenÂty milÂlion. SpoÂken or writÂten, these numÂbers become … incomÂpreÂhenÂsiÂble. PreÂsentÂed graphÂiÂcalÂly, they hit closÂer to the heart. As the SoviÂet lossÂes climbed, I thought my browsÂer had become frozen. SureÂly the top of the colÂumn must have been reached by now, I thought.” He’s referÂring to the stagÂgerÂing numÂber of SoviÂets who died fightÂing the Nazis. If you fast forÂward to the 6‑minute mark above, you can see what he means.
The video comes accomÂpaÂnied by an interÂacÂtive webÂsite, where users can “pause durÂing key moments to interÂact with the charts and dig deepÂer into the numÂbers.” To use this interÂacÂtive webÂsite, you will need a fairÂly new comÂputÂer and a modÂern browsÂer.
You can conÂtribute monÂey and supÂport the ongoÂing FallÂen of World War II project here.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Free Online HisÂtoÂry CoursÂes
Watch World War II Rage Across Europe in a 7 Minute Time-Lapse Film: Every Day From 1939 to 1945
DraÂmatÂic ColÂor Footage Shows a Bombed-Out Berlin a Month After Germany’s WWII Defeat (1945)
The sadÂdest thing is that Hitler would have been easÂiÂly crushed after remilÂiÂtaÂrizÂing the Rhineland in 1936 had not the advoÂcates of “peace” and appeaseÂment preÂvailed. IronÂiÂcalÂly, it was the so-called “warÂmonÂgers”, like Churchill, who would have preÂventÂed this catÂaÂstroÂphe by dealÂing with Hitler when he was most vulÂnerÂaÂble.
No menÂtion of the CanaÂdiÂans?
There is also no menÂtion of the horÂrifÂic death tolls between the year 1957 to 1959 (The Great Leap ForÂward moveÂment in ChiÂna) and 1960 to 1969 (The CulÂturÂal RevÂoÂluÂtion in ChiÂna). The 3 years from 1957 to 1959 alone resultÂed in a death toll of at least 22 milÂlion to a highÂer estiÂmatÂed of 43 milÂlion human lives. This is a masÂsive piece of tragedy with such an enorÂmous loss of lives that should not be mutÂed.
and by the way, the lowÂer estiÂmate of 22 milÂlion souls who died largeÂly to starÂvaÂtion, is based on the offiÂcial estiÂmate from the ChiÂnese.
TypÂiÂcal. CanaÂda is comÂpleteÂly disÂmissed. How insultÂing!
There’s a bar for Mao.
I’m AmerÂiÂcan and I hear about CanaÂdiÂan roles in WW2 someÂtimes. Fought braveÂly in Tank batÂtles. The role leadÂing up to and durÂing D‑day.
EveryÂone always forÂgets about CanaÂda. AccordÂing to Wikipedia, Canada’s war deaths outÂpace the US per capiÂta, 0.32 for the US vs. .40 for CanaÂda. CanaÂdiÂans were there from the start and took part in some of the bloodÂiÂest batÂtles in WWII.
Please stop ignorÂing us, it’s realÂly insultÂing. It’s like we don’t exist.
Why am I not surÂprised that the CanaÂdiÂan conÂtriÂbuÂtion to World War Two has again been ignored by an AmerÂiÂcan recountÂing that war. I guess havÂing the third largest Navy in WW2 and being one fifth of the D‑Day invaÂsion force doesÂn’t merÂit menÂtion.
It’s WW2 deaths you moron
I always rememÂber the CanaÂdiÂan involveÂment (as well as AusÂtralian and the othÂer counÂtries assoÂciÂatÂed as “The British Empire”) in WW2 talked about as a whole and the staÂtisÂtiÂcal contributions/deaths they conÂtributed to the war effort includÂed with the English/United KingÂdom numÂbers and then that numÂber would be folÂlowed by a break down of that numÂber to reveal CanaÂda, AusÂtralia, India and so forth’s indiÂvidÂual numÂbers in hisÂtoÂry classÂes I’ve had over the years. This is espeÂcialÂly true as the classÂes were of highÂer levÂel (high school and colÂlege) and were covÂerÂing more speÂcifÂic eras as opposed to a “World HisÂtoÂry” course or simÂiÂlar overÂall hisÂtoÂry overview comÂpressed into a three to four month time frame. Seems like that’s a funcÂtion of being a memÂber of the comÂmonÂwealth and how it’s data is reportÂed to the world and not some U.S. conÂspirÂaÂcy to hog WW2 gloÂry. PerÂsonÂalÂly, I have relÂaÂtives and and know a few through them that were shot down over occuÂpied Europe who would not have probÂaÂbly surÂvived if not for all the work and sacÂriÂfice proÂvidÂed by the Free French and Free Dutch forces that helped get them before GerÂman troops found them and smugÂgled them to places where they could then be picked up by boat to get across the chanÂnel to EngÂland. Those guys get very litÂtle respect and recogÂniÂtion for all that they did and the fact that ultiÂmate vicÂtoÂry would have been expoÂnenÂtialÂly hardÂer withÂout their contributions.What litÂtle you do hear about them is almost excluÂsiveÂly about the French and not the Dutch, PolÂish and numerÂous othÂer Free Forces of GerÂman occuÂpied counÂtries. In othÂer words, there’s no way to ever fulÂly give each their due in regards to their conÂtriÂbuÂtion and sacÂriÂfice in those dark years, and I hope as time goes on all can take more of a “Tomb of the Unknown SolÂdier” approach to givÂing credÂit to all we were unable know or idenÂtiÂfy and honÂor them as best we can. BickÂerÂing over who did what and how much ultiÂmateÂly makes us all look foolÂish and petÂty while furÂther obscurÂing the peoÂple and conÂtriÂbuÂtions that we should be tryÂing to uncovÂer and recÂogÂnize going forÂward. By the way, my friends to the north, thank you for what you have and done for what you will do to help us out. With all the HolÂlyÂwood movie proÂducÂtion that goes on in CanaÂda, how about some movies to illusÂtrate those shinÂing moments and the CanaÂdiÂan person/people that were involved? AmerÂiÂcan’s enjoy heroÂic peoÂple and their exploits from all over, we just need you to bring them to our attenÂtion most of the time…
I see some comÂments from my felÂlow CanaÂdiÂans regardÂing this film. I can’t realÂly see why you guys and gals are so upset at CanaÂda not being menÂtioned. This was a film proÂduced by AmerÂiÂcans for AmerÂiÂcans. HavÂing said that, there are two facÂtors to keep in mind:
1.) AmerÂiÂcans are notoÂriÂousÂly ignoÂrant of hisÂtoÂry, even their own.
2.) The UnitÂed States is an empire in decline and thereÂfore the opinÂions of AmerÂiÂcans are becomÂing less and less relÂeÂvant to the rest of the world.
So, no worÂries! We know what our parÂents and our grandÂparÂents achieved in the SecÂond World War as do our friends in the UK, AusÂtralia, New Zealand, the NetherÂlands, BelÂgium and France and that’s all that matÂters.
Its peoÂple like you that enabled all those deaths. I bet you are an anti-capÂiÂtalÂist of some sort and probÂaÂbly think that once capÂiÂtalÂism is gone, you’ll get some sort of utopia. That’s what the Nazis, FasÂcists and ComÂmuÂnists were pushing…and it resultÂed in all those deaths.
It’s peoÂple like you who embarÂrass themÂselves by postÂing puerile nonÂsense on the InterÂnet. Don’t bet too much on your idiÂotÂic assumpÂtion, son, you’ll lose your wager plus your digÂniÂty (and you obviÂousÂly don’t have much of that to begin with).
It’s unquesÂtionÂing sheep like you that are anyÂthing but patriÂots. In the SecÂond World War both CanaÂda and the U.S. fought for freeÂdom of thought, speech and ideas and it’s peoÂple like you who betray our fallÂen solÂdiers. No doubt you have a huge U.S. flag flyÂing outÂside your house, a house devoid of any true freeÂdom. IronÂic and pathetÂic.
CanaÂda lost what? 10%(45,400) of what the US lost(407,000 not includÂing the 12,000 civilÂian deaths of which CanaÂda had none). Of course these numÂbers are from Wikipedia.
PopÂuÂlaÂtion of CanaÂda in 1939: 11,267,000 (Source: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/98–187‑x/4151287-eng.htm)
PopÂuÂlaÂtion of the UnitÂed States in 1939: 130,879,718 (Source: https://www.census.gov/population/estimates/nation/popclockest.txt)
wow. I think you guys are all missÂing the point.
Maybe it’s best to send Neil HalÂloÂran an e‑mail thankÂing him for his effort but also helpÂing him with the missÂing parts, in stead of telling each othÂer what he missed. HopeÂfulÂly he can make a verÂsion 2.0 with all the corÂrect inforÂmaÂtion, because his visuÂalÂizaÂtion is one of the best I’ve ever seen and it’s worth sharÂing this with everyÂone.
ActuÂalÂly Hitler pushed for peace and avoidÂing arms race. We know that Neville ChamÂberÂlain had severe presÂsure to get Great Britain into World War 2. Before he died, he revealed AmerÂiÂca and World Jews forced Britain into war against GerÂmany (menÂtioned in The ForÂreÂstal Diaries from 1945.)
But one of the most honÂorÂable things about ChamÂberÂlain was he was a proÂnounced oppoÂnent of the use of the bomber as a weapon of terÂrorÂiÂsaÂtion (menÂtioned in David Irving’s book “The DestrucÂtion of DresÂden” (1995), Page 7–8).
With ChamÂberÂlain, he had a pubÂlic guarÂanÂtee to respect GerÂman civilÂian lives. This applied till the last day of ChamÂberÂlain as the prime minÂisÂter of Great Britain (May 9, 1940).
But when the Anti-GerÂman monÂster Churchill became British prime minÂisÂter on May 10, 1940, the British govÂernÂment now pubÂlicly proÂclaimed that it reserved the right to take whatÂevÂer action it conÂsidÂered approÂpriÂate in the event of GerÂman air raids on civilÂian popÂuÂlaÂtions. Churchill was not electÂed in.
So the cabÂiÂnet on its very first day of office under Mr WinÂston Churchill, the new prime minÂisÂter, was able to disÂpose of Mr Chamberlain’s pubÂlic guarÂanÂtee to respect GerÂman civilÂian lives (David Irving’s “The DestrucÂtion of DresÂden” (1995), Page 8–9).
That was the beginÂning of the horÂror on GerÂman civilÂian lives which resultÂed in horÂrors like OperÂaÂtion GomorÂrah (the bombÂing of HamÂburg) in 1943, and the bombÂing of all GerÂman cities (DresÂden, RotÂterÂdam, Berlin, etc.). Churchill was only the front man for the EstabÂlishÂment. RememÂber Churchill was not votÂed in demoÂcÂraÂtÂiÂcalÂly, he was placed in charge. Which means he had a boss or bossÂes. You also have to rememÂber the perÂson or peoÂple who did put him in charge are always in charge. Hitler nevÂer bombed civilÂians first and the pilots on the masÂsacre of Blieburg broke their silence. Find out who profÂits from wars and you will see who Hitler warned and talked about. EnjoyÂing the endÂless wars and endÂless cycle of usury and debt today? More death to come.
Hind sight is always 20–20. I want to know why the USA was stuÂpid enough to fight the JapanÂese island by island instead of using air bases in ChiÂna or RusÂsia.
ActuÂalÂly Hitler pushed for peace and avoidÂing arms race. We know that Neville ChamÂberÂlain had severe presÂsure to get Great Britain into World War 2. Before he died, he revealed AmerÂiÂca and World Jews forced Britain into war against GerÂmany (menÂtioned in The ForÂreÂstal Diaries from 1945.)
Ha this is funÂny yes lets talk about this in realÂiÂty.
A guy took powÂer in a severeÂly depressed counÂtry and tried to use milÂiÂtary to get the econÂoÂmy going… He did, his name is Hitler, here is a fact that you didÂn’t menÂtion when you said Hitler wasÂn’t tarÂgetÂing civilÂians… and he also startÂed ethÂnic genoÂcide and conÂcenÂtraÂtion camps that the video points out. If there were Jews of the world which sounds like some secret orgaÂniÂzaÂtion you think there is… then yes they did. I would have begged anyÂone to stop the GerÂman Hitler form exeÂcutÂing men so they wouldÂn’t revolt then throwÂing women and chilÂdren in the gas chamÂbers. EngÂland lisÂtened and was the only counÂtry that wasÂn’t rolled by the GerÂmans and had the abilÂiÂty to stop their onslaught, by doing whatÂevÂer they could to stop them, anyÂthing they could.
What would have been your course of action to stop GerÂmany if hind sight is 20–20?
What’s up brothÂer!, that’s so sigÂma, your the skibiÂdi rizÂzler
Whomp Whomp
I was in my sink last night lookÂing up inforÂmaÂtion about WWII!!!! So informationalLllllllL!L1l1l1l3jfioafqp3r