While the print magÂaÂzine indusÂtry as a whole has seen betÂter days, pubÂliÂcaÂtions dedÂiÂcatÂed to womÂen’s fashÂion still go surÂprisÂingÂly strong. PerÂhaps as a result, they’ve conÂtinÂued to attract critÂiÂcism, not least for their highÂly speÂcifÂic, often highÂly altered visions of the supÂposÂedÂly ideÂal body image emblaÂzoned across their covÂers. One critÂic called it an “overÂbred, exhaustÂed, even decaÂdent style of beauÂty,” with nearÂly all of the women on disÂplay “immenseÂly elonÂgatÂed” with narÂrow hips and “slenÂder, non-preÂhenÂsile hands like those of a lizard.”
This hardÂly counts as a recent pheÂnomÂeÂnon; that parÂticÂuÂlar critÂiÂcism comes from 1946, the critÂic none othÂer than AniÂmal Farm and 1984 author George Orwell. He lodged his comÂplaint against an “AmerÂiÂcan fashÂion magÂaÂzine which shall be nameÂless” in his “As I Please” colÂumn for the British TriÂbune. The New RepubÂlic, which subÂseÂquentÂly ran Orwell’s broadÂside stateÂside, re-pubÂlished it on their web site last year. On the magÂaÂzine’s covÂer Orwell sees a phoÂtoÂgraph of “the usuÂal eleÂgant female, standÂing on a chair while a gray-haired, specÂtaÂcled, crushed-lookÂing man in shirtÂsleeves kneels at her feet” — a taiÂlor about to take a meaÂsureÂment. “But to a casuÂal glance he looks as though he were kissÂing the hem of the woman’s garment—not a bad symÂbolÂiÂcal picÂture of AmerÂiÂcan civÂiÂlizaÂtion.”
But this wouldÂn’t count as an Orwellian indictÂment of the state of WestÂern sociÂety withÂout a harsh assessÂment of the lanÂguage used, and the author of “PolÂiÂtics and the EngÂlish LanÂguage” doesÂn’t neglect to make one here. In the fashÂion magÂaÂzine Orwell finds “an extraÂorÂdiÂnary mixÂture of sheer lushÂness with clipped and someÂtimes very expenÂsive techÂniÂcal jarÂgon. Words like suave-manÂnered, cusÂtom-finÂished, conÂtour-conÂformÂing, mitt-back, inner-sole, backÂdip, midriff, swoosh, swash, curÂvaÂceous, slenÂderÂize and pet-smooth are flung about with eviÂdent full expecÂtaÂtion that the readÂer will underÂstand them at a glance. Here are a few samÂple senÂtences takÂen at ranÂdom”:
“A new ShimÂmer Sheen colÂor that sets your hands and his head in a whirl.” “Bared and beauÂtiÂfulÂly bosomy.” “FeathÂery-light MilÂliken Fleece to keep her kitÂten-snug!” “OthÂers see you through a veil of sheer beauÂty, and they wonÂder why!” “An exclaÂmaÂtion point of a dress that depends on fluÂid fabÂric for much of its draÂma.” “The mirÂaÂcle of figÂure flatÂtery!” “Molds your bosom into proud femÂiÂnine lines.” “Isn’t it wonÂderÂful to know that Corsets wash and wear and whitÂtle you down… even though they weigh only four ounces!” “The disÂtilled witchÂery of one woman who was forÂevÂer desirÂable… forÂevÂer beloved… ForÂevÂer Amber.” And so on and so on and so on.
From what I can tell by the fashÂion magÂaÂzines of 2015 my girlÂfriend leaves around the house, while the speÂcifÂic terÂmiÂnolÂoÂgy might have changed, the brand-strewn overÂall wordÂscape of meanÂingÂlessÂness and obscuÂranÂtism remains. Orwell sureÂly didÂn’t foreÂsee that lamÂenÂtaÂble linÂguisÂtic and aesÂthetÂic sitÂuÂaÂtion changÂing any time soon — though it might surÂprise him that, despite it all, AmerÂiÂcan civÂiÂlizaÂtion itself, in its charÂacÂterÂisÂtiÂcalÂly unsleek, inelÂeÂgant, and proÂviÂsionÂal way, has conÂtinÂued lumÂberÂing on.
You can read Orwell’s short essay on FashÂion here.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
George Orwell Reviews Mein Kampf (1940)
The Only Known Footage of George Orwell (CirÂca 1921)
George Orwell and DouÂglas Adams Explain How to Make a PropÂer Cup of Tea
For 95 MinÂutes, the BBC Brings George Orwell to Life
ColÂin MarÂshall writes on cities, lanÂguage, Asia, and men’s style. He’s at work on a book about Los AngeÂles, A Los AngeÂles Primer, and the video series The City in CinÂeÂma. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall or on FaceÂbook.
Theirs a lot of lanÂguage in fashÂion magÂaÂzines are portÂmanÂteaus (comÂbiÂnaÂtions) of words that often have onoÂmatopoeÂic qualÂiÂties (words sound like what they mean). We should recÂogÂnize the beguilÂing potenÂtial of fashÂion jarÂgon to conÂvince peoÂple to buy, but not disÂmiss the aesÂthetÂic pleaÂsure that this jarÂgon and simÂiÂlar less meanÂingÂful senÂtences and phrasÂes can instill in the listener/reader.
LumÂberÂing on? Yes! Like a great woundÂed beast, stumÂbling and crashÂing through the forÂest, in its death throes, being sung to its death by the bewitchÂing the beguilÂing, the sleek, the sulÂtyr, the incredÂiÂbly and inevitably fake queens who demand the peasÂant class kiss the hem of their robes, though they offer nothÂing in return but meanÂingÂless words.
Orwell would not be surÂprised. He would see the slipÂping furÂther and furÂther into decay, of AmerÂiÂca, just as Rome.
HowÂevÂer, for the record, I agree with the comÂment about the aesÂthetÂic pleaÂsures of the wordÂing in such magÂaÂzines. Oh, not the realÂly stuÂpid bits, but, much of it.
Plus, it is a learnÂing opporÂtuÂniÂty, to pay attenÂtion to the non-stuÂpid bits. When you go to a store and tell the clerk you need a dress, and, that clerk asks you quesÂtions to narÂrow your choicÂes down, how will you answer, if you don’t know what they are talkÂing about?
You can’t. So, it’s just as well that you’ve learned what conÂtrast pipÂing on a 1940’s inspired lapel, with an exagÂgerÂatÂed peplum and narÂrow waist fit in a sumpÂtuÂous caramel suede, topÂping a bronzed silk swish of a skirt with bloomÂing lilies seed bead hem detail realÂly means.Not to menÂtion all the othÂer things you’ve learned. Because, if you are a woman, and, you go anyÂwhere, and you want to wear decenÂtish clothes to wherÂevÂer it is you go, you are going to need to know at least some of that.
Here’s an end to your strugÂgle of findÂing the best outÂfit for every occaÂsion. Explore women fashÂion tips for difÂferÂent events & needs with styling guides.