Most likeÂly everyÂthing you know about Edward SnowÂden’s unmaskÂing of govÂernÂment surÂveilÂlance proÂgrams has come through an indiÂrect source — meanÂing, you haven’t had the chance to learn about SnowÂden’s motiÂvaÂtions, thought processÂes, goals, etc. from SnowÂden himÂself. Here’s a chance to change that.
In the video interÂview recordÂed on OctoÂber 20th at HarÂvard Law School, Lawrence Lessig spent an hour talkÂing with SnowÂden on a Google HangÂout. Lessig, a law proÂfesÂsor with dual interÂests in keepÂing inforÂmaÂtion open and limÂitÂing govÂernÂment corÂrupÂtion, was a natÂurÂal choice to conÂduct the interÂview. HowÂevÂer, I wouldÂn’t say that he gives SnowÂden a soft interÂview. He asks some good quesÂtions, which gives SnowÂden the chance to spell out his thinkÂing — to explain the probÂlem he observed while workÂing in the NSA and how he went about addressÂing it.
One thing that comes across is that SnowÂden has thought things through. SnowÂden might not have the creÂdenÂtials of the HarÂvard Law stuÂdents in the audiÂence — he got a GED and took a few comÂmuÂniÂty colÂlege coursÂes, after all — but you get the sense that he could teach a pretÂty good IntroÂducÂtion to AmerÂiÂcan GovÂernÂment course, if not a thought-proÂvokÂing semÂiÂnar on conÂstiÂtuÂtionÂal law. RegardÂless of what posiÂtion you take on SnowÂden, it’s worth watchÂing this interÂview before you declare final judgeÂment.
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