Is there anyÂthing worse than flyÂing from Newark to San FranÂcisÂco? Maybe it’s watchÂing manÂnequins takÂing this cross-counÂtry flight. Talk about tediÂum. And yet there’s someÂthing a litÂtle brilÂliant about this six hour adverÂtiseÂment from VirÂgin AirÂlines — which promisÂes a more inspirÂing flight. I mean how many six hour adverÂtiseÂments have you seen, let alone ones that have “action” from start to finÂish? SomeÂwhere, someÂone’s going to watch this thing all the way through. Maybe it’s you.
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It’s like a bad Andy Warhol conÂcept film. Just Google his sleep film, or the Empire State BuildÂing one.…
Of course we have some of those Warhol films in our archive.
Eat, Sleep and Kiss:
Brad NeuÂberg hasÂn’t watched this. This is not a stale conÂcept, this is epic! Watch the dream sequence at 51 minÂutes.
PeoÂple with no good ideas of their own trash othÂer’s out of self defense. This is brilÂliant in some way, not sure which though. Dream sequence is cool.