Map Showing Where Today’s Countries Would Be Located on Pangea


The super­con­ti­nent of Pangea formed some 270 mil­lion years ago, dur­ing the Ear­ly Per­mi­an Peri­od, and then began to break up 70 mil­lion years lat­er, even­tu­al­ly yield­ing the con­ti­nents we inhab­it today. Pangea was, of course, a peo­ple­less place. But if you were to drop today’s nations on that great land mass, here’s what it might look like. (Click on the image to view it in a much larg­er, high res­o­lu­tion for­mat.) The map’s cre­ator is Mas­si­mo Pietrobon, some­one who play­ful­ly describes him­self as “a famous explor­er and car­tog­ra­ph­er of Atlantis,” and who has tak­en on oth­er exper­i­ments with maps in the past. When some­one claimed that the scale of cer­tain coun­tries was­n’t exact­ly right, Mas­si­mo was quick to con­fess on his blog, “Yes, it’s just a tri­al, it can be bet­ter.” But it’s a cre­ative start.

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via Pick­over’s Real­i­ty Car­ni­val

Relat­ed Con­tent:

An Inter­ac­tive Map of Odysseus’ 10-Year Jour­ney in Homer’s Odyssey

Play Cae­sar: Trav­el Ancient Rome with Stanford’s Inter­ac­tive Map

Down­load 78 Free Online His­to­ry Cours­es: From Ancient Greece to The Mod­ern World

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  • Shalaw says:

    May you and your fam­i­ly enjoy this spe­cial occa­sion togeth­er, peace and bless­ings be upon you all. I would like to say some­thing about Kur­dish coun­try, it means Kur­dis­tan. Kur­dish peo­ple have been the earth when God cre­at­ed peo­ple.

    on the oth­er hand, huge ethinc do not have their own coun­try. If you pay atten­tion past histry, you will find Kur­dish coun­try on the map.

  • MacPollo says:

    Today, it depends on what kind of world rep­re­sen­ta­tion (Winkel, Mer­ca­tor pro­jec­tion, Pacif­ic-cen­tric, Moll­wei­de…) you choose. Although the vast major­i­ty of maps all over the world are Euro-cen­tric.

    But, look­ing this map, then and now, Europe was the cen­ter of the world!

    In a one-con­ti­nent map there is no debate pos­si­ble :)

  • Stupidest thing ever says:

    This is the stu­pid­est thing ive seen in decades

  • jbelkin says:

    Where is the equa­tor?

  • Alton Thompson says:

    What a great idea. Thanks for shar­ing this. Fas­ci­nat­ing image!

    Don’t let the oth­er pri­mates get you down. We all know the world went to hell in a hand­bas­ket the day it lost the trilo­bites.

  • Sven Norén says:

    Mark­ing out the equa­tor and poles would be help­ful in guessti­mat­ing the var­i­ous cli­mat­ic zones.

  • Tony Cullen says:

    There’s a map here: which gives an idea where Pan­gaean poles and equa­tor were.

  • Ed Brault says:

    Reunite Gond­wana­land!

  • Joan Kohlman says:

    This is pret­ty stu­pid if it’s just based on cur­rent shape of con­ti­nents and noth­ing sub­stan­tial such as geo­log­i­cal sub­strates and plant/animal dis­tri­b­u­tion.

  • ur mom says:


  • Wonte says:

    Where would jamaica be locat­ed if pangea was still togeth­er?

  • ajf says:

    lawrus­sia and gond­wana

  • 53iwireman says:

    I would be very inter­est­ed if a lit­tle dot or flag were placed at every posi­tion that a known Pyra­mid is locat­ed in today’s world.

  • Nicky2020 says:

    Where is Eng­land?

  • Brajakishore Sutar says:

    Hi, can i get the GPS loca­tions of the cities dur­ing pangea. If you have please mail me back.please

  • Bmsra says:

    The map pro­vid­ed is incor­rect as it fails to cater to the sub­merged land­mass­es after the great flood. For exam­ple the Indi­an land mass was joined with Sri­Lan­ka and a huge land area was sub­merged. From the Madras coast some 60 miles of coast was sub­merged and the recent Tsuna­mi unearthed few tem­ples.

  • Belfast son says:

    How do you know — were you there?

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