Many a singer-songÂwriter who first rose to promiÂnence in the 1960s has takÂen the label of “poet,” usuÂalÂly applied by adorÂing fans, no doubt to the objecÂtion of a fair few seriÂous poetÂry enthuÂsiÂasts. But who among them could deny Leonard Cohen’s staÂtus as a poet? Though best known as a musiÂcian, Cohen has also racked up indisÂputable writerÂly creÂdenÂtials, havÂing pubÂlished not just the novÂels BeauÂtiÂful Losers and The Favorite Game but many books of poetÂry includÂing Death of a Lady’s Man, Let Us ComÂpare MytholoÂgies, and FlowÂers for Hitler. Some of them include not just poems writÂten as poems but song lyrics — or perÂhaps works that began as songs but became poems. SureÂly his albums conÂtain songs that began as poems. Those interÂestÂed in figÂurÂing out Cohen’s simulÂtaÂneÂous develÂopÂment as a poet and songÂwriter would do well to lisÂten to his earÂly poetÂry readÂings, like that of “Prayer for MesÂsiÂah” at the top of the post.
Just above, you can hear Cohen readÂing sevÂerÂal more poems in the halÂlowed halls of New York’s 92nd Street Y in FebÂruÂary 1966. Below, you can watch a teleÂviÂsion clip from that same year in which the famousÂly CanaÂdiÂan Cohen appears (natÂuÂralÂly) on the CBC in a segÂment “conÂsidÂerÂing the poetÂic mind.”
He reads more of his verse and offers a bit of insight into his attiÂtude toward the legaÂcy of his own art — specifÂiÂcalÂly, that he pays no attenÂtion to its legaÂcy at all. PerÂhaps that more than anyÂthing allows him the freeÂdom to move as necÂesÂsary between fields of creÂative texÂtuÂal endeavÂor, retainÂing his inimÂitable senÂsiÂbilÂiÂty no matÂter what shape his work takes at the end of the day. And, in any case, at least for my monÂey, if pieces of his more mature work like “First We Take ManÂhatÂtan” don’t tranÂscend their form, what does?
You can read a piece where Pico Iyer reflects on Cohen’s 92nd Y poetÂry readÂings here.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
The PoetÂry of Leonard Cohen IllusÂtratÂed by Two Short Films
ColÂin MarÂshall hosts and proÂduces NoteÂbook on Cities and CulÂture and writes essays on cities, lanÂguage, Asia, and men’s style. He’s at work on a book about Los AngeÂles, A Los AngeÂles Primer. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall or on FaceÂbook.
Love his voice and to hear it change over time. He read one of his pieces on NPR and I put some music to it. It worked out quite well. Great poem.
Vad kan jag säga. Jag vet, att han är poet, mĂĄnÂga uppÂskatÂtar honÂom mest som poet.
My three year old grandÂdaughÂter is braveÂly fightÂing NeuÂrobÂlasÂtoma CanÂcer in a hosÂpiÂtal in AusÂtralia and dear Leonard Cohen gets me through each day with his poetÂry and his songs.
When things are realÂly bad I shut myself in a room with a phoÂto of my litÂtle munchkin and lisÂten to Leonard singing while I sew or paint, it’s always good medÂiÂcine.
Thanks Leonard Cohen for your supÂport in awful times and in a good times they are both relÂeÂvant to life today.
Gabrielle GelÂly