Back in 1977, San FranÂcisÂco filmÂmakÂer Ernie FosÂselius had the brainÂwave to make a spoof of a movie that had just come out. It was a risky move. Nobody had any sense that Star Wars would become the worldÂwide culÂturÂal pheÂnomÂeÂnon that it did. And just as George Lucas’s space opera earned stagÂgerÂing amounts of monÂey, so did Fosselius’s parÂoÂdy, HardÂware Wars. You can watch it above. Made for a mere eight grand, the 13-minute movie became a pre-interÂnet viral hit and a staÂple on the fesÂtiÂval cirÂcuit, ultiÂmateÂly earnÂing over $1,000,000 – an unheard of haul for a short film. In fact, in terms of monÂey spent verÂsus monÂey earned, HardÂware Wars endÂed up being far more profÂitable than Star Wars. And it’s conÂsidÂered the most profÂitable short film ever made.
“I think a lot of the charm of that movie is the fact that we didn’t realÂly know what we were doing,” said Scott MathÂews, who donned a blonde wig to play the movie’s lead, Fluke StarÂbuckÂer. The movie’s proÂducÂtion is so gleeÂfulÂly cheap and half-assed that you can’t help but be charmed by it. Irons, toastÂers, and tape playÂers are used in place of spaceÂships.
A canÂisÂter vacÂuÂum cleanÂer stands in for R2D2, and ChewÂbacÂca appears to be a CookÂie MonÂster pupÂpet dyed brown. At one point, while on a desert planÂet of Tatooine, you see a beach-goer saunÂterÂing in the backÂground. And Star Wars’s famous canÂtiÂna scene is in this movie simÂply a stroll through a crowdÂed tavÂern. If you know anyÂthing about the bar scene in 1970s San FranÂcisÂco, you know that it was at least as weird as anyÂthing George Lucas manÂaged to put up on the screen.
The often litiÂgious Lucas reportÂedÂly realÂly liked the movie, called it “cute.” He even invitÂed FosÂselius to voice the inconÂsolable sobs of JabÂba the HutÂt’s aniÂmal trainÂer after his beloved RanÂcor gets killed by Luke SkyÂwalkÂer in Return of the Jedi.
HardÂware Wars endÂed up launchÂing an entire subÂgenre of movie – the Star Wars fan film. And with the advent of Youtube and digÂiÂtal filmÂmakÂing techÂnolÂoÂgy, the abilÂiÂty of nerds and mavens to make increasÂingÂly sophisÂtiÂcatÂed takes on Lucas’s uniÂverse became easÂiÂer and easÂiÂer. One of the betÂter, and oldÂer, ones is Troops. A mash up of Star Wars and the realÂiÂty TV series Cops, the short shows the chalÂlenges and the strugÂgles of being an ImpeÂrÂiÂal StormtroopÂer. Check it out below.
via FilmÂmakÂerIQ
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
How Star Wars BorÂrowed From AkiÂra Kurosawa’s Great SamuÂrai Films
FreiÂheit, George Lucas’ Short StuÂdent Film About a Fatal Run from ComÂmuÂnism (1966)
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4,000+ Free Movies Online: Great ClasÂsics, Indies, Noir, WestÂerns, DocÂuÂmenÂtaries & MoreJonathan Crow is a Los AngeÂles-based writer and filmÂmakÂer whose work has appeared in Yahoo!, The HolÂlyÂwood Reporter, and othÂer pubÂliÂcaÂtions. You can folÂlow him at @jonccrow.
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