Morgan Freeman & Fake Neil deGrasse Tyson Teach Physics While High on Helium and Grass

Viral video #1: In a new ad for the Sci­ence Chan­nel’s series, Through the Worm­hole, actor Mor­gan Free­man uses heli­um to entice view­ers into think­ing about how physi­cists are study­ing grav­i­ty in places where it acts quite strange­ly. It’s kind of a cryp­tic mes­sage, but it grabs your atten­tion, does­n’t it? Through the Worm­hole returns to the air­waves, with Sea­son 5, on June 4th.

Viral Video #2 asks you to imag­ine what hap­pens when you put the grass in Neil deGrasse Tyson. “Every­thing is star stuff. This piz­za, this cheese, this pep­per­oni.” That’s a reboot of Cos­mos that may actu­al­ly get rat­ings.

via io9 

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