Chicken Infinite: A 532 Page Avant-Garde Chicken Recipe


Ear­li­er this year, Gre­gor Weich­brodt, a Ger­man col­lege stu­dent, took all of the geo­graph­ic stops men­tioned in Jack Ker­ouac’s On the Road, plugged them into Google Maps, and end­ed up with a 45-page man­u­al of dri­ving direc­tions, divid­ed into chap­ters par­al­lel­ing those of Kerouac’s orig­i­nal book. Now he’s back with a culi­nary mashup. Not mashed pota­toes, but mashed up recipes for cook­ing chick­en.

Cook­ing recipes from the web have been col­lect­ed and mixed ran­dom­ly togeth­er,” and the result is Chick­en Infi­nite, an avant-garde recipe for mak­ing chick­en that spans some 532 pages. Accord­ing to Weich­brodt, Chick­en Infi­nite – avail­able as a free PDF or paper­back  “plays with the con­cept of instruc­tions itself” that you reg­u­lar­ly see on web­sites or in man­u­als. It’s a con­cept that cut-up artist William S. Bur­roughs could love. As for how Chick­en Infi­nite actu­al­ly tastes, some­one (with a lit­tle time and a sense of adven­ture) will have to let us know.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Ernest Hemingway’s Favorite Ham­burg­er Recipe

David Lynch Teach­es You to Cook His Quinoa Recipe in a Weird, Sur­re­al­ist Video

Mar­i­lyn Monroe’s Per­son­al, Hand­writ­ten Turkey-and-Stuff­ing Recipe

MIT Teach­es You How to Speak Ital­ian & Cook Ital­ian Cui­sine All at Once (Free Online Course)

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