Why have UkrainiÂans been protestÂing since NovemÂber? It’s a quesÂtion you might feel strange askÂing in FebÂruÂary. But not to worÂry, The WashÂingÂton Post has put togethÂer a helpÂful video that explains the criÂsis in two minÂutes (above), along with a relatÂed primer: 9 quesÂtions about Ukraine you were too embarÂrassed to ask. A deepÂer analyÂsis can be found in the pages of The New York Review of Books.
For the latÂest news on what’s hapÂpenÂing in Ukraine, you can get live video and social media updates at The New York Times.
You omitÂted a small hisÂtorÂiÂcal fact that Moscow, the present day CapÂiÂtal of RusÂsia, was first setÂtled by UkrainÂian warÂlords.
They forÂgot to say that the diviÂsion of Ukraine is mostÂly artiÂfiÂcial. PeoÂple in the east are being conÂstantÂly brainÂwashed by RussÂian TV chanÂnels. They have a wrong picÂture of what is going on in the counÂtry. The protests are absoluteÂly NOT about the RussÂian or UkrainÂian lanÂguage, NOT about the EuroÂpean or RussÂian “choice” of Ukraine – all those things are politÂiÂcal instruÂmenÂtalÂizaÂtion. Although the EU agreeÂment served as a trigÂger, but all this would hapÂpen soonÂer or latÂer withÂout it, because the counÂtry is occuÂpied by crimÂiÂnals. PeoÂple are killed and torÂtured; they are starvÂing, because the state budÂget is stolen by the offiÂcials, they work and die in horÂriÂble conÂdiÂtions in the mines. These are crimes against humanÂiÂty. And the masÂsacre that the DonetÂsk banÂdits orgaÂnized togethÂer with KremÂlin these days is the agony of that mafia (you may watch with your own eyes how they killed the unarmed proÂtestÂers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSvj8F_Br4M&feature=youtube_gdata_player). That’s the real probÂlem, not the “dividÂed” Ukraine. I appeal to all peoÂple in the West: Please don’t lisÂten to those false reports! Please protest in case if someÂone will be going to interÂvene: be it RusÂsia or the US! SupÂport the UkrainÂian peoÂple, who fight for their true freeÂdom and the true indeÂpenÂdence of Ukraine right now sacÂriÂficÂing their lives for our future.
Слава Україні!
Yeah, the fact is that the first RussÂian state was called “Kievan Rus’ ” and had a capÂiÂtal in Kiev. So the probÂlem with UkrainÂian idenÂtiÂty realÂly goes deep. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kievan_Rus%27
Thanks! The artiÂcle just conÂfirms how you can’t believe the media. Like none of us have famÂiÂly there and we don’t comÂmuÂniÂcate with them.