Every now and again, we like to bring you a reimagining of an old classic. Some time ago, for example, we posted about a reinvention of Star Wars: A New Hope, shot by scores of ardent fans, and spliced together from 15-second fragments. Today, we’re writing about another project that grew out of a twist on Star Wars, called Classic Movies in Miniature Style. Murat Palta, a Turkish illustrator, decided to combine a western film with the intricate two-dimensional motifs found in Ottoman miniature paintings, and got the surreal result that you see above. Pay particular attention to Han Solo’s smug grin, and Darth Vader dallying to smell the roses.
With Ottoman Star Wars having garnered high marks from his professors, and having enjoyed the project, Palta decided to keep with his theme and illustrate other iconic movies in the same style. Here are a couple of other movie posters he’s produced since:
As you probably guessed, the first depicts the final moments of Scarface (1983), where a coked-out Tony Montana rains bullets on a team of assassins who have infiltrated his lavish compound. In the second, a compendium of Godfather scenes, a regal Don Corleone listens to supplicants, as Jack Woltz, in the bottom left-hand corner, finds his prized stallion’s severed head in his bed. While the concept is clever, what really stands out in Palta’s illustrations is the level of detail, from Brando’s sour facial expression, to Tony Montana’s fez. The remainder of the posters on his website, which include The Shining, Alien, and a terrific version of A Clockwork Orange, are no less impressive.
For more of Murat Palta’s Ottoman movie posters, visit his page at Behance.net.
Ilia Blinderman is a Montreal-based culture and science writer. Follow him at @iliablinderman, or read more of his writing at the Huffington Post.
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These are way too excellent.