Name Your Price for 200+ Albums from Deep Elm Records: Prices Start at Free

deep-elm-records A quick heads up, cour­tesy of Metafil­ter: Deep Elm Records turns 20 years old next year and announced yes­ter­day that all 200+ of its albums are avail­able on a “name your price, no min­i­mum” basis:

“If you have means please show [the bands] love by nam­ing your price. If you do not have any means, in exchange for each down­load we kind­ly request that you post, share, tag and tweet to tell your friends about each album as our bands depend on your word of mouth.”

The indie record label has released LPs by bands such as Lights & Motion, The Apple­seed Cast, Brandt­son, The White Octave, and Planes Mis­tak­en for Stars, plus a num­ber of com­pi­la­tion albums, includ­ing The Emo Diaries. If you’re look­ing for a place to get start­ed, one read­er on Metafil­ter offers up this list.

* v/a, The Emo Diaries, Vol. 1
* David Singer, The Cost of Liv­ing * Apple­seed Cast, Low Lev­el Owl, Vol. 1 + 2
* Triple­fas­tac­tion, Cat­tle­men Don’t
* Walt Mink, Colos­sus
* Cam­ber, Beau­ti­ful Cha­rade
* Accents, Growth And Squalor
* Paper­moons, New Tales

Relat­ed con­tent:

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.