SevÂenÂty-sevÂen years ago, in a move unpreceÂdentÂed since the GloÂriÂous RevÂoÂluÂtion of 1688, King-EmperÂor Edward VIII abdiÂcatÂed the throne. Today’s audiÂences will recÂogÂnize the episode from The King’s Speech: less than a year after havÂing ascendÂed to the British kingÂship in JanÂuÂary of 1936, Edward became romanÂtiÂcalÂly entanÂgled with a yet-to-be-divorced AmerÂiÂcan socialite named WalÂlis SimpÂson. As long as the King’s liaisons remained disÂcreet, the couÂple was affordÂed a respectable amount of priÂvaÂcy by the royÂal famÂiÂly and the British media. Things grew more comÂpliÂcatÂed, howÂevÂer, when SimpÂson divorced her secÂond husÂband in OctoÂber of 1936, and the pair decidÂed to marÂry, come hell or high water.
A King of the UnitÂed KingÂdom of Great Britain and NorthÂern IreÂland being wedÂded to a twice-divorced AmerÂiÂcan socialite would have caused a furor. As the head of the Church of EngÂland, Edward could not marÂry a divorced woman whose forÂmer husÂband (let alone husÂbands) remained alive. Simpson’s first divorce proved even more problematic—it was grantÂed based on “emoÂtionÂal incomÂpatÂiÂbilÂiÂty,” and may not have been recÂogÂnized under both Church and EngÂlish law. The King’s marÂriage to SimpÂson also raised the posÂsiÂbilÂiÂty of an AmerÂiÂcan Queen, a sacÂriÂleÂgious idea in the eyes of his subÂjects.
Faced with a choice between the crown and his love, Edward VIII chose to step down. On DecemÂber 10, 1936, the King signed the folÂlowÂing decÂlaÂraÂtion of abdiÂcaÂtion:
In the audio clip at the top of the post, Edward VIII takes to the radio waves to declare his abdiÂcaÂtion on DecemÂber 11. BrimÂming with hardÂly-conÂtained emoÂtion, Edward attempts to explain his reaÂsons to the British peoÂple (read the full tranÂscript here):
“You all know the reaÂsons which have impelled me to renounce the Throne. But I want you to underÂstand that in makÂing up my mind I did not forÂget the counÂtry or the Empire which as Prince of Wales, and lateÂly as King, I have for twenÂty-five years tried to serve. But you must believe me when I tell you that I have found it imposÂsiÂble to carÂry the heavy burÂden of responÂsiÂbilÂiÂty and to disÂcharge my duties as King as I would wish to do withÂout the help and supÂport of the woman I love.”
For those who had doubts about Simpson’s true feelÂings for the King (some susÂpectÂed her of carÂing only about the king’s monÂey), the next 35 years would proÂvide sufÂfiÂcient proof. The pair remained marÂried until Edward’s death in 1972.
Ilia BlinÂdÂerÂman is a MonÂtreÂal-based culÂture and sciÂence writer. FolÂlow him at @iliablinderman.
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