Everything That’s Wrong With Back To The Future in 8 Minutes

There’s noth­ing real­ly wrong with Back to the Future. Crit­ics loved Robert Zemeck­is’ sci-fi com­e­dy when it first came out in 1985. (Roger Ebert likened it to a great Frank Capra film.) And it still delights old and new view­ers almost 30 years lat­er. But, like every film, Back to the Future has its minor flaws. The web site/YouTube chan­nel Cin­e­ma Sins is “ded­i­cat­ed to point­ing out all the sins [they] can find in movies, some big and some small. Some … down­right micro­scop­ic.” And that’s what you get here. A break­down of every lit­tle prob­lem and incon­sis­ten­cy in Zemeck­is’ film. For­tu­nate­ly, the folks behind Cin­e­ma Sins don’t take them­selves too seri­ous­ly. Nor do they con­sid­er them­selves beyond reproach. Heck, this sum­mer they pro­duced Every­thing Wrong With Cin­e­ma Sins In 3 Min­utes Or Less. You can watch it here.

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