SixÂty years ago today, New Zealand explorÂer Sir Edmund Hillary and his SherÂpa guide TenÂzÂing NorÂgay became the first climbers to ever reach the sumÂmit of Mount EverÂest. This feat may not seem so sigÂnifÂiÂcant now, when upwards of 150 peoÂple may reach the top of the 29,000-foot mounÂtain on the best climbÂing day. In fact the sumÂmit has become so overÂcrowdÂed that offiÂcials are even debatÂing installing a ladÂder for descents (to the horÂror of seriÂous mounÂtaineers). But in 1953, Hillary and Norgay’s ascent was a pretÂty big deal, you might say. In the video above, excerptÂed from Hillary’s appearÂance on the eduÂcaÂtionÂal proÂgram Omnibus, watch the famous explorÂer nonÂchaÂlantÂly tell the stoÂry of his and Norgay’s conÂquerÂing of EverÂest.
And if you’re in a mood to do some virÂtuÂal explorÂing yourÂself, from the comÂfort of your own home, you can look around the EverÂest sumÂmit courÂtesy of Google Earth.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Climb Three of the World’s HighÂest Peaks on Google Street View
Josh Jones is a writer and musiÂcian based in WashÂingÂton, DC. FolÂlow him at @jdmagness
strangeÂly overÂlooked… im hapÂpy that i came across this video.. always worth watchÂing the FIRSTS in anyÂthing, espeÂcialÂly mounÂtaineerÂing.. cheers
DurÂing my first radio gig away from home in ’78, I was thrilled to met Sir Edmund at Radio 4ZB in Dunedin. LatÂer, as I drove into the CBD for lunch I noticed the great man takÂing a stroll up ahead so I pulled over and offered him a lift. He grateÂfulÂly acceptÂed, sitÂting in the front pasÂsenÂger seat and then… nothÂing. Not a word until we approached his desÂtiÂnaÂtion. A man of few words.
PeoÂple have often asked why I stopped to offer Sir Edmund Hillary a lift and I always reply,“Because he was there.”