Now Streaming Free: A New Jimi Hendrix Album with 12 Previously-Unreleased Songs


Update: Not long after we post­ed this, NPR took the audio offline. We told you to act quick­ly, but we did­n’t expect that quick­ly! Sor­ry for the incon­ve­nience.

We gave you a heads up in Jan­u­ary, and now it’s final­ly here: the 12-song album of pre­vi­ous­ly-unre­leased Jimi Hen­drix record­ings called Peo­ple, Hell & Angels. You’ve prob­a­bly heard the sin­gle “Some­where.” Well, now you can hear the rest of the album. (Lis­ten below.) And it’s free thanks to NPR’s First Lis­ten series, the same series that will let you stream Dave Grohl’s sound­track for his new doc­u­men­tary Sound City Stu­dios. But don’t delay, the albums won’t be online for very long.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Pre­vi­ous­ly Unre­leased Jimi Hen­drix Record­ing, “Some­where,” with Bud­dy Miles and Stephen Stills

See Jimi Hendrix’s First TV Appear­ance, and His Last as a Back­ing Musi­cian (1965)

Tom Waits and Kei­th Richards Sing Sea Song “Shenan­doah” for New Pirate-Themed CD: Lis­ten Online

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