“One man’s trash is anothÂer man’s treaÂsure” — it’s a sayÂing they’re takÂing to heart in CateuÂra, Paraguay, a small town where impovÂerÂished famÂiÂlies live along a vast landÂfill. CateuÂra’s resÂiÂdents can’t afford many things that AmerÂiÂcan famÂiÂlies often take for grantÂed, and that includes buyÂing new musiÂcal instruÂments for their kids. Indeed, in CateuÂra, your garÂden variÂety vioÂlin costs more than the averÂage home. But that hasÂn’t stopped the town from assemÂbling a youth chamÂber orchesÂtra that perÂforms music by Mozart, Beethoven and the BeaÂtÂles. The instruÂments they play are made from the trash that surÂrounds them. Oil cans become celÂlos; aluÂminum bowls get forged into vioÂlins. And the music they make sufÂfers not one bit. This inspiÂraÂtional stoÂry will be told in an upcomÂing feaÂture-length docÂuÂmenÂtary called LandÂfill HarÂmonÂic. You can keep an eye out for the film by folÂlowÂing its FaceÂbook page, and learn more about The RecyÂcled OrchesÂtra by readÂing this interÂview. H/T Kim
That was truÂly remarkÂable and fashÂionÂing those bits of trash into musiÂcal instruÂments is amazÂing.
Some of the instruÂments, like the trumÂpet, looked like they weren’t made from recyÂcled parts… And the bows / strings, were they recyÂcled?
HeartÂwarmÂing to think of the genÂerosÂiÂty of spirÂit, time and talÂent that made this opporÂtuÂniÂty for the young peoÂple who have respondÂed so beauÂtiÂfulÂly. They are now able to enrich the world with their music.
TEVW, obviÂousÂly not all of the parts of the instruÂments could be made from rubÂbish. Big deal. It’s just great that these kids show this enthuÂsiÂasm for the music and learnÂing to play. Maybe a trumÂpet or two were thrown out by someÂone. Big deal. Maybe not all of the instruÂments were recyÂcled from rubÂbish. Big deal.
what’s the name of the 1st song?
AlexÂov says, “big deal”. Bet a bunch he canÂnot do it! PerÂhaps he is a bit jealÂous and/or enviÂous. And AlexÂov, what do you show enthuÂsiÂam for?????? RagÂging othÂer peoÂple, being a big mouth, and heavÂen only knows what else.……? PerÂhaps you would do well to show enthuÂsiÂam for someÂthing a bit conÂstrucÂtive.
God be with you.…..If your thinkÂing conÂtinÂues on the same line, you could be in trouÂble in the future. NevÂer too old to change AlexÂov. Only too stuÂpid perÂhaps.….???
These chilÂdren have accomÂplished someÂthing wonÂderÂful and enjoyÂable. They also love doing it. That is what makes life worth while. Not to menÂtion they are all overÂflowÂing with ingeÂnuÂity. What a realÂly great bunch of Kids.
I believe it is more imporÂtant to enrich themÂselves, they have so very litÂtle, they should not be livÂing on repubÂlish dumps. That is what is hapÂpenÂing to so many, in the scrap heap, litÂerÂalÂly.
No‑o e should be devalÂued like this, it is shameÂful and I see their beauÂtiÂful, questÂing spirÂits risÂing above it all, it us a crime against humanÂiÂty that so many gave far too much and othÂers have nothÂing. Time to look, think and share, offer, care and stop this.
Few errors, sorÂry, new glassÂes next week. Will see betÂter.