Venice is Way Under Water…

Venice is made up of 124 islands, 183 canals and 438 bridges, with water con­stant­ly flow­ing in and around it. As the video below explains, the city has his­tor­i­cal­ly devel­oped an elab­o­rate way of defend­ing itself against the seas. But occa­sion­al­ly moth­er nature wins out, and floods take their toll on the city. This year it’s par­tic­u­lar­ly bad. Heavy rains and strong winds have left Venice 70% sub­merged, with water lev­els reach­ing 60 inch­es. It marks the sixth worst flood record­ed in the past 150 years. You can find footage above, and a pret­ty remark­able pho­to gallery over at The Atlantic. And then anoth­er  com­pelling set at

via @eugenephoto

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