A Poignant, Elegant Tribute to the Mars Rover Curiosity

The Curios­i­ty mis­sion on Mars will soon bring us some big news. We don’t know what it is. We just know, accord­ing to one NASA sci­en­tist, the dis­cov­ery “is going to be one for the his­to­ry books.” As we await more infor­ma­tion, we bring you this: a short film by Dan Win­ters and Shervin Shaeri that weaves togeth­er com­men­tary from NASA engi­neers and some arrest­ing pho­tographs. Togeth­er, they remind us of the heart and soul that went into putting a state-of-the-art rover on a red plan­et some 200 mil­lion miles away from our own “pale blue dot,” as Carl Sagan once called it.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.