Have you ever wonÂdered how the HubÂble Space TeleÂscope and othÂer satelÂlites can be pointÂed in any direcÂtion at the will of sciÂenÂtists on the ground? GivÂen the enerÂgy conÂstraints for satelÂlites designed to stay in space for years, the techÂniÂcal chalÂlenges are immense.
In this video from the “Smarter Every Day” YouTube series we learn a litÂtle about two clever methÂods sciÂenÂtists use to conÂtrol the attiÂtude, or oriÂenÂtaÂtion, of satelÂlites with very litÂtle enerÂgy. The first method exploits the powÂer of the EarthÂ’s magÂnetÂic field by using elecÂtric curÂrent to selecÂtiveÂly actiÂvate elecÂtroÂmagÂnets and nudge the satelÂlite in a desired direcÂtion, rather like the neeÂdle of a comÂpass. The secÂond and, in some ways, more fasÂciÂnatÂing method takes its inspiÂraÂtion from the amazÂingÂly agile cat. It has long been known that cats can fall from any iniÂtial oriÂenÂtaÂtion and almost always land on their feet. They can reoriÂent themÂselves 180 degrees withÂout vioÂlatÂing the conÂserÂvaÂtion of anguÂlar momenÂtum. They do it by adjustÂing their shape and thus rearÂrangÂing the mass, and changÂing the moment of inerÂtia, withÂin their bodÂies. SciÂenÂtists employ a simÂiÂlar tacÂtic using movÂing parts withÂin satelÂlites.
The host of the “Smarter Every Day” videos goes only by the name of “DesÂtin,” and is reportÂedÂly a misÂsile engiÂneer at the U.S. Army’s RedÂstone ArseÂnal, near Huntsville AlabaÂma. Some viewÂers will, like us, find the tone and senÂsiÂbilÂiÂty of this video juveÂnile and annoyÂing, with its overuse of the words “cool” and “aweÂsome” and with the graÂtuÂitous cat-dropÂping scenes (note to future YouTube auteurs: conÂsidÂer using stock footage) but the sciÂence itself is, withÂout a doubt, fasÂciÂnatÂing.
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