India’s Answer to M.I.T. Presents 268 Free Online Courses (in English)

Dur­ing the 1940s, when India won its inde­pen­dence from Britain, the lead­ers of the new­ly-formed nation began imag­in­ing the Indi­an Insti­tutes of Tech­nol­o­gy, oth­er­wise known as the IITs. Much like MIT in the US, these schools would cul­ti­vate some of the world’s top sci­en­tists and engi­neers. And they’d make tech­nol­o­gy key to the future of Indi­a’s eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment.

Today, the IITs stand atop the Indi­an edu­ca­tion­al sys­tem and, like their peer insti­tu­tions in the US, they’re mak­ing a point of putting free cours­es on the web. Rather qui­et­ly, they’ve amassed some 268 cours­es, giv­ing any­one with an inter­net con­nec­tion access to 10,000+ video lec­tures. As you might expect, the course line­up skews heav­i­ly toward sci­ence and tech­nol­o­gy, the stuff that con­tributes to Indi­a’s indus­tri­al base — Intro­duc­tion to Basic Elec­tron­icsHigh Per­for­mance Com­put­er Archi­tec­tureSpace Flight Mechan­ics, Steel Mak­ing, and all of the rest. But they’ve also added a few con­tem­pla­tive cours­es to the mix, cours­es like Con­tem­po­rary Lit­er­a­tureQuan­tum Physics, the His­to­ry of Eco­nom­ic The­o­ry, and Game The­o­ry and Eco­nom­ics.

You can start rum­mag­ing through the com­plete list of IIT cours­es on YouTube here, or you can access them via this IIT web­site, which gives you the abil­i­ty to down­load videos straight to your com­put­er. Nat­u­ral­ly we’ve added many essen­tial IIT cours­es to our list of Free Online Cours­es from Great Uni­ver­si­ties — Har­vard, Yale, Stan­ford, MIT, UC Berke­ley, Oxford, the list goes on.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Yale Intro­duces Anoth­er Sev­en Free Online Cours­es, Bring­ing Total to 42

Har­vard Presents Free Cours­es with the Open Learn­ing Ini­tia­tive

MIT Intro­duces Com­plete Cours­es to Open­Course­Ware Project


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  • Hema sethi says:

    I was among the 1st few to go to Bir­la Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy and Sci­ence (BITS) based on semes­ter sys­tem adopt­ed from MIT.Some of our staff was from MIT and we fol­lowed the cur­ricu­lum set by MIT.I am so proud what the coun­try is doing in the feild of edu­ca­tion .

  • I’m a stu­dent of Com­put­er Sci­ence and also Elec­tron­ics Engi­neer­ing from Argenti­na. I’ve seen a lot of free online cours­es from MIT, Berke­ley, Yale, Stan­ford, and so on (not only about sci­ence and tech­nol­o­gy, but pret­ty much about every­thing), enjoy­ing them and learn­ing a lot.

    But on the oth­er hand, I’ve also been aware of the exis­tence of IIT online cours­es for a long time, and I’ve start­ed to watch a lot of them, but I’ve always giv­en up. Sad­ly, I must con­fess they are not good qual­i­ty, at least in my opin­ion. The con­tent of those cours­es are all right and very care­ful­ly select­ed, but all teach­ers (with no excep­tion so far) are extreme­ly and unimag­in­ably bor­ing. I’m sure they must feel as much pas­sion as any amer­i­can teacher, but they just don’t know how to con­vey that pas­sion. It’s impos­si­ble to watch five min­utes of ANY of those videos with­out falling asleep. I could give a lot of spe­cif­ic details, but I think you get the idea. (If you don’t, just give them a try and you’ll imme­di­ate­ly see what I mean).

    But please don’t mis­in­ter­pret me. I’m sure that IIT must be mak­ing a great impact in India, and of course I’m glad about them. I’m just talk­ing about the qual­i­ty of their online free cours­es, in con­trast to the amer­i­can uni­ver­si­ties.

    Any­way, I can’t express how grate­ful I am with Open Cul­ture for col­lect­ing and shar­ing all this mate­r­i­al (from India, USA or any oth­er cor­ner of the world). It has def­i­nite­ly made a huge impact in my career and in my whole life. So thanks a lot and best wish­es!

  • Kunal says:

    I am from India and it’s great to see the IITs, which are the best Uni­ver­si­ty in India, mak­ing their con­tent acces­si­ble. You should also check out this web­site It pro­vides con­tent on dif­fer­ent areas of law, and the con­tent is pret­ty good and is easy to use even for some­one who has­n’t stud­ied the law.

  • bobby says:

    There will be high stan­dards in our edu­ca­tion system…n u know that calculus,trigonometry,numbering devel­oped by india..the rest of the coun­tries are rob­bers.

  • Neelu says:

    I am Neelu.It’s real­ly great to see many IIT’s of India.It’s real­ly great news that online cours­es avail­able from great universities.I am a stu­dent from com­put­er sci­ences recent­ly com­plet­ed my course.I am search­ing for a suit­able job mean­while i am learn­ing per­fect eng­lish with online videos like this one


    I am stalin.I like online course so,studying intrest­ed please help for me

  • Marry David says:

    thanks for pro­vid­ing this infor­ma­tion real­ly it is help­fulnnIELTS Writ­ing and Speak­ing Ques­tions

  • Rupali jain says:

    I want learn Eng­lish lan­gu­gaes.

  • sameer says:

    I would like to stud­ied

  • John Sesay says:

    i want to know much about these cours­es that you are offer­ing to peo­ple

  • mohit says:

    i too want to learn.….so lets exchange our num­bers u can what­sapp me on 8950965059

  • Neelam sharma says:

    hel­lo sir,i want to get a job as a eng­lish teacher and i am also m.a in eng­lish but after that i cant find job in reput­ed school.thats why i want to be this course and cer­tifi­cate

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