If only more liquor comÂpaÂnies thought as cinÂeÂmatÂiÂcalÂly as JameÂson, we’d nevÂer run out of stunt-ish yet careÂfulÂly craftÂed short films to watch on the interÂnet. They’ve put on someÂthing called the First Shot conÂtest, which teams up-and-comÂing filmÂmakÂers from around the world with no less a lumiÂnary of stage and screen than Kevin Spacey. Above, you’ll find The VenÂtrilÂoÂquist, fruit of the labors of AmerÂiÂcan writer-direcÂtor BenÂjamin LeavÂitt. Spacey stars as the titÂuÂlar street perÂformer, workÂing every day the same empÂty L.A. street corÂner, longÂing for the same cofÂfee-cart girl, and falling into an ever more comÂbatÂive relaÂtionÂship with Mr. HigÂgins, his politÂiÂcalÂly incorÂrect, CharÂlie McCarthy-era throwÂback of a dumÂmy. Open CulÂture readÂers will, of course, already know that Spacey has what it takes for the role, havÂing seen his nine impresÂsions in six minÂutes.
SpirÂit of a DenÂture, writÂten and directÂed by South African winÂner Alan ShelÂley, casts Spacey as a denÂtist and frigate enthuÂsiÂast who one night finds himÂself alone in his office with an actuÂal sea pirate. EnveÂlope, below, by RussÂian writer-direcÂtor AlekÂsey NuzhÂny, dressÂes Spacey in a blandÂly garÂish outÂfit of SoviÂet casuÂal wear. The year is 1985. The place sits someÂwhere behind the Iron CurÂtain. The charÂacÂter is a colÂlecÂtor of interÂnaÂtionÂal postal canÂcelÂlaÂtion stamps, with only the return of a delibÂerÂateÂly misÂmailed letÂter to New Zealand standÂing in the way of his grand proÂjecÂt’s comÂpleÂtion. LeavÂitt, ShelÂley, and NuzhÂny know how to draw on Spacey’s pecuÂliar strengths as an actor: his askew-everyÂman mysÂtique, his disÂtincÂtiveÂly fine comÂmand of seemÂingÂly bland feaÂtures, his seamÂless assumpÂtion of voicÂes and manÂnerÂisms that few othÂer playÂers could take on with digÂniÂty. Even cerÂtain A‑list filmÂmakÂers, as movieÂgoÂers know all to well, can’t quite manÂage that.
ColÂin MarÂshall hosts and proÂduces NoteÂbook on Cities and CulÂture. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall.
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