“Good evening, ladies and genÂtleÂmen.” From 1955 to 1962, Alfred HitchÂcock greetÂed viewÂers to his weekÂly series Alfred HitchÂcock Presents with some verÂsion of this phrase, in his unmisÂtakÂable EngÂlish drawl. After the iconÂic introÂducÂtoÂry sequence feaÂturÂing HitchÂcock stepÂping into a caricature—drawn by himself—of his jowÂly proÂfile, the vetÂerÂan direcÂtor introÂduced the audiÂence to the week’s episode with a droll monoÂlogue writÂten by longÂtime TV writer James B. Allardice, in which HitchÂcock would poke fun at himÂself, the viewÂers, and the show’s sponÂsors. In addiÂtion to Allardice, Hitchcock’s series relied on the talÂents of sevÂerÂal well-known writÂers, includÂing litÂerÂary names like John CheevÂer, Robert Bloch (author of PsyÂcho), and, most famousÂly, the much-loved Roald Dahl.
PriÂmarÂiÂly known for his whimÂsiÂcal, and often quite dark, children’s books (James and the Giant Peach, CharÂlie and the ChocoÂlate FacÂtoÂry, FanÂtasÂtic Mr. Fox), Dahl was also a novÂelÂist, screenÂwriter, and a writer of macabre short stoÂries for adults (he won three Edgars, or mysÂtery writer awards). In 1958, Alfred HitchÂcock Presents adaptÂed Dahl’s stoÂry “Lamb to the SlaughÂter.” And, two years latÂer in 1960, Dahl’s stoÂry “Man from the South” proÂvidÂed the basis for AHP’s most popÂuÂlar episode (above). The episode stars Steven McQueen as a young man talked into a grisÂly wager by a mysÂteÂriÂous figÂure named CarÂlos, played by Peter Lorre. “Man from the South” was adaptÂed sevÂerÂal more times in the folÂlowÂing years: in 1979 by Dahl himÂself in a teleÂviÂsion series called Tales of the UnexÂpectÂed, again in the 1985 revival of AHP (starÂring John HusÂton as CarÂlos), and in 1995 as the basis for Quentin Tarantino’s segÂment in the film Four Rooms. WithÂout a doubt, howÂevÂer, this origÂiÂnal adapÂtaÂtion of Dahl’s stoÂry remains the most memÂoÂrable and hauntÂing.
J. David Jones is curÂrentÂly a docÂtorÂal stuÂdent in EngÂlish at FordÂham UniÂverÂsiÂty and a co-founder and forÂmer manÂagÂing ediÂtor of GuerÂniÂca / A MagÂaÂzine of Arts and PolÂiÂtics.
The link for [Tales of the UnexÂpectÂed] is broken.nThe domain has moved to: http://www.talesoftheunexpectedtvseries.co.uk
Always use u tube
Play alfred hitchÂcÂcock movies in full always on u tube
Not on youtube as it gets takÂen down in litÂerÂalÂly 1 hour.