Damien Hirst Takes Us Through His New Exhibition at Tate Modern

From April 4 through Sep­tem­ber 9, the Tate Mod­ern will stage the first seri­ous UK exhi­bi­tion of major works by Damien Hirst, one of Britain’s most influ­en­tial, con­tro­ver­sial and wealthy artists. Many of his famous sculp­tures — includ­ing, of course, the famous/infamous shark sus­pend­ed in formalde­hyde — will be on dis­play. It’s our job to get you bet­ter acquaint­ed with the exhib­it. So let’s have Damien Hirst, the artist him­self, take you on a tour of the big affair. The pro­gram above, Damien Hirst — The First Look, orig­i­nal­ly aired on Chan­nel 4 in the UK. You can also watch Hirst wan­der through the exhi­bi­tion with cura­tor Ann Gal­lagher right here. Final­ly, you might want to spend a few min­utes with a review by Oliv­er Walling­ton, an artist who won­ders whether the emper­or of art “has no clothes.” Or scan the review at The Guardian, which qui­et­ly rais­es eye­brows of its own.

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  • Matt says:

    I have to admit, his “art” is orig­i­nal and provoca­tive. It is no won­der that he’s a bit con­tro­ver­sial.

    It would be super inter­est­ing to be able to see the art exhib­it in real life, but the UK is far away for me.

  • Hirst is nei­ther orig­i­nal or provoca­tive in my book. As to be orig­i­nal he would have had to avoid direct pla­gia­rism in his work (which he clear­ly does­n’t) and his work would have to have some kind of mean­ing­ful res­o­nance in order for it to actu­al­ly pro­voke a response oth­er than drea­ry dis­missal and frus­tra­tion.

  • Thomas says:

    “I have to admit, his “art” is orig­i­nal and provoca­tive.” Is that you, Damien?

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