From April 4 through SepÂtemÂber 9, the Tate ModÂern will stage the first seriÂous UK exhiÂbiÂtion of major works by Damien Hirst, one of Britain’s most influÂenÂtial, conÂtroÂverÂsial and wealthy artists. Many of his famous sculpÂtures — includÂing, of course, the famous/infamous shark susÂpendÂed in formaldeÂhyde — will be on disÂplay. It’s our job to get you betÂter acquaintÂed with the exhibÂit. So let’s have Damien Hirst, the artist himÂself, take you on a tour of the big affair. The proÂgram above, Damien Hirst — The First Look, origÂiÂnalÂly aired on ChanÂnel 4 in the UK. You can also watch Hirst wanÂder through the exhiÂbiÂtion with curaÂtor Ann GalÂlagher right here. FinalÂly, you might want to spend a few minÂutes with a review by OlivÂer WallingÂton, an artist who wonÂders whether the emperÂor of art “has no clothes.” Or scan the review at The Guardian, which quiÂetÂly raisÂes eyeÂbrows of its own.
I have to admit, his “art” is origÂiÂnal and provocaÂtive. It is no wonÂder that he’s a bit conÂtroÂverÂsial.
It would be super interÂestÂing to be able to see the art exhibÂit in real life, but the UK is far away for me.
Hirst is neiÂther origÂiÂnal or provocaÂtive in my book. As to be origÂiÂnal he would have had to avoid direct plaÂgiaÂrism in his work (which he clearÂly doesÂn’t) and his work would have to have some kind of meanÂingÂful resÂoÂnance in order for it to actuÂalÂly proÂvoke a response othÂer than dreaÂry disÂmissal and frusÂtraÂtion.
“I have to admit, his “art” is origÂiÂnal and provocaÂtive.” Is that you, Damien?