KoyÂaanisqatÂsi: Life Out of BalÂance — GodÂfrey RegÂgio directÂed the 1982 film, and Philip Glass comÂposed the music. LatÂer, RegÂgio said that the film is wide open to interÂpreÂtaÂtion, that “the viewÂer can take for herÂself what the film means.” “For some peoÂple it’s an enviÂronÂmenÂtal film, for some peoÂple it’s an ode to techÂnolÂoÂgy, for some peoÂple it’s a piece of shit, for othÂer peoÂple it moves them deeply.” And for Wyatt HodgÂson, it’s a film worth watchÂing in a comÂpressed, five-minute forÂmat, maybe because (as one viewÂer sugÂgestÂed) it highÂlights “one of the main dimenÂsions of the film: the breakÂneck speed of our (crazy) world.”
HodgÂson’s verÂsion strips out Glass’ origÂiÂnal soundÂtrack, replacÂing it with music by the Art of Noise. But some crafty indiÂvidÂual found a way to reproÂduce Glass’ comÂpoÂsiÂtion at 1552% speed. You can lisÂten below.
h/t KotÂtke
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Great idea… but this music… I don’t like it.
RelÂeÂvant meme — http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/35xvam/
I’m lookÂing for the high speed Glass but not findÂing it…
An absoluteÂly brilÂliant idea! I also like the music, it fits perÂfectÂly.
The sped up Philip Glass audio is here:
Why the Debussy nonÂsense ? TotalÂly irrelÂeÂvant .