Last week, The New York Times profiled Joseph Herscher, a 26-year-old kinetic artist who hails from New Zealand and now develops intentionally “absurd” and “useless” Rube Goldberg machines in his Brooklyn apartment. His latest contraption, called “The Page Turner,” just gets better as it rolls along. Perhaps the best part comes towards the end when Herscher’s pet hamster, Chester, makes a cameo appearance. Enjoy…
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I think a wet finger works as well and doesn’t pollute the atmosphere.
I’m one of those people who find reading books a chore because of the ergonomic demands of holding a book and turning the pages. I much prefer reading on a screen. Now, however, I have no further excuse for not picking up a book. Genius!
Yes, Marcia, but if you lose power, dead batteries, or power line gone down, you can no longer read anything. I say, get over it and don’t be so doggone lazy, read a good book in print, and do your own Rube Goldberg contraption to turn the pages and hold the book for you. I do dislike the trees have to come down to make the book, but hopefully recycled paper can be used to solve that problem a little bit.
All the work to reset it to turn the next page! I’ll just continue to applaud such genius and read on line.
Hello common sense
Book for art