Last week, The New York Times proÂfiled Joseph HerÂschÂer, a 26-year-old kinetÂic artist who hails from New Zealand and now develÂops intenÂtionÂalÂly “absurd” and “useÂless” Rube GoldÂberg machines in his BrookÂlyn apartÂment. His latÂest conÂtrapÂtion, called “The Page TurnÂer,” just gets betÂter as it rolls along. PerÂhaps the best part comes towards the end when HerÂscher’s pet hamÂster, Chester, makes a cameo appearÂance. Enjoy…
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I think a wet finÂger works as well and doesÂn’t polÂlute the atmosÂphere.
I’m one of those peoÂple who find readÂing books a chore because of the ergonomÂic demands of holdÂing a book and turnÂing the pages. I much preÂfer readÂing on a screen. Now, howÂevÂer, I have no furÂther excuse for not pickÂing up a book. Genius!
Yes, MarÂcia, but if you lose powÂer, dead batÂterÂies, or powÂer line gone down, you can no longer read anyÂthing. I say, get over it and don’t be so dogÂgone lazy, read a good book in print, and do your own Rube GoldÂberg conÂtrapÂtion to turn the pages and hold the book for you. I do disÂlike the trees have to come down to make the book, but hopeÂfulÂly recyÂcled paper can be used to solve that probÂlem a litÂtle bit.
All the work to reset it to turn the next page! I’ll just conÂtinÂue to applaud such genius and read on line.
HelÂlo comÂmon sense
Book for art