In Fox’s world, nothÂing good is terÂriÂbly safe. Even the lovÂable MupÂpets fall under withÂerÂing attack.
Last month, Fox BusiÂness spent sevÂen minÂutes (below) unravÂelÂing the left wing conÂspirÂaÂcy in the latÂest MupÂpet movie. Then the MupÂpets, not takÂing things lying down, struck back. AppearÂing at a press conÂferÂence in LonÂdon last week, KerÂmit the Frog and Miss PigÂgy rebutted Fox’s charges in one comÂic minute. It’s a pretÂty funÂny clip. But the best part is watchÂing a major news outÂlet argue with pupÂpets.
If you need someÂthing to make you feel betÂter about the world, don’t miss Jim HenÂson’s 1969 primer on how to make your own pupÂpets, using nothÂing othÂer than houseÂhold items. H/T SF Gate
Okay, you know it’s bad when pupÂpets are smarter than all the Fox News peoÂple.
Is Fox News realÂly so desÂperÂate for stoÂries that they have to come up with brain-washÂing mupÂpets? There’s so many things in the counÂtry that are news worÂthy, not this. FAIL Fox News, FAIL.
MelisÂsa, rememÂber who Fox News’ tarÂget audiÂence is — conÂserÂvÂaÂtive votÂers who believe that many things in the enterÂtainÂment and media world are left-wing conÂspirÂaÂcies. Also rememÂber that such stoÂries get othÂers to tune in just to see the next crazy thing Fox News said. Their ratÂings go up and MurÂdoch & Co. laugh all the way to the bank despite the comÂplaints.
Say what you want about Fox News, but it kills the othÂer cable news netÂworks in ratÂings. And that’s all that matÂters in the TV busiÂness.
Fox is right on the monÂey — This is a clear case of libÂerÂal brainÂwashÂing. Our kids should be taught ratioÂnal conÂserÂvÂaÂtive ways of thinkÂing — creÂationÂism for examÂple…