The Van Doos in Afghanistan (Free Until Monday)

A quick fyi: To mark Remem­brance Day, the Nation­al Film Board of Cana­da (NFB) has made Claude Guilmain’s doc­u­men­tary The Van Doos in Afghanistan avail­able online for a lim­it­ed time. You can watch it free until Mon­day. The NFB writes:

In this doc­u­men­tary, we hear direct­ly from fran­coph­o­ne sol­diers serv­ing in the Roy­al 22e Rég­i­ment (known in Eng­lish as “Van Doos”) who were filmed in the field in March 2011, dur­ing their deploy­ment to Afghanistan. They speak sim­ply and direct­ly about their work, whether on patrol or per­form­ing their duties at the base. The film’s images and inter­views bring home the com­plex­i­ty of the issues on the ground and shed light on the lit­tle-under­stood expe­ri­ences of the men and women who served in Afghanistan.

You’ll find oth­er free films by the NFB in our big col­lec­tion of Free Movies Online. It now has north of 435 films on the list.

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