A Big Bach Download: The Complete Organ Works for Free

We men­tioned this one long ago, and it’s time to men­tion it again: You can down­load for free the com­plete organ works of Johann Sebas­t­ian Bach. They were record­ed by Dr. James Kib­bie (Uni­ver­si­ty of Michi­gan) on orig­i­nal baroque organs in Leipzig, Ger­many. Feel free to start with a col­lec­tion of Favorite Mas­ter­works, or get the com­plete works that have been divid­ed into 13 groups for easy down­load. Once you down­load these zip files, you will need to unzip them before play­ing the tracks. Enjoy, and don’t miss our relat­ed post: How a Bach Canon Works. It’s rather bril­liant.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

The Genius of J.S. Bach’s “Crab Canon” Visu­al­ized on a Möbius Strip

The Open Gold­berg Vari­a­tions: J.S. Bach’s Mas­ter­piece Free to Down­load

New­ly Dis­cov­ered Piece by Mozart Per­formed on His Own Fortepi­ano

Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” Mov­ing­ly Flash­mobbed in Spain

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.