Tim BurÂton is a houseÂhold name with his creepy creÂations and vivid symÂbolÂic imagery in film and art. Born in BurÂbank, CalÂiÂforÂnia in 1958, BurÂton studÂied at the CalÂiÂforÂnia InstiÂtute of the Arts and worked as an aniÂmaÂtor for DisÂney. After a time, he left to purÂsue an indeÂpenÂdent career, becomÂing famous for a wide variÂety of films such as The NightÂmare Before ChristÂmas, BatÂman, Big Fish, and most recentÂly, Alice in WonÂderÂland.
The video above feaÂtures BurÂton disÂcussing the culÂtiÂvaÂtion of his sigÂnaÂture style and the source of his unique images. The clip was shot in conÂnecÂtion with an exhibÂit of BurÂton’s work at the MuseÂum of ModÂern Art, held in New York City in 2009–2010. The exhibÂit has since moved to LACMA in Los AngeÂles, and it traces the develÂopÂment of BurÂton’s work from childÂhood sketchÂes to his mature work as a filmÂmakÂer, bringÂing togethÂer hunÂdreds of drawÂings, paintÂings, phoÂtographs, movÂing image works, conÂcept art, stoÂryÂboards, pupÂpets, maqueÂttes, cosÂtumes, and cinÂeÂmatÂic ephemera from his films. The show conÂtinÂues outÂside the museÂum with a topÂiÂary inspired by Edward ScisÂsorhands and a renÂdiÂtion of BalÂloon Boy, a figÂure comÂbinÂing charÂacÂters from BurÂton’s 1997 book The MelanÂcholy Death of OysÂter Boy and OthÂer StoÂries. You can catch the exhibÂit at LACMA until OctoÂber 31st — a fitÂting end date, to be sure.
HarkÂing back to an earÂliÂer post, here is a samÂple of BurÂton’s earÂly filmÂmakÂing, creÂatÂed not long before he set out on his own. NarÂratÂed by VinÂcent Price, the short film, VinÂcent, effecÂtiveÂly brings togethÂer two great talÂents of the horÂror genre … and will put anyÂone in the spirÂit of HalÂloween if you’re not already there.
ActuÂalÂly, “VinÂcent” is not “a samÂple of Burton’s work after he left DisÂney.” It was made at DisÂney with a budÂget of $60,000. The othÂer night at LAMCA, Rick HeinÂrichs, who worked on the film with BurÂton (the film credÂits him with BurÂton at the start), showed a brief clip feaÂturÂing BurÂton and himÂself talkÂing about the project they were workÂing on while at DisÂney. “FrankenÂweeÂnie,” released in 1984, was also made at DisÂney.
Hi this is Angel er I love your work and iv drawn all of you work and everyÂone says its amazÂing I can rilÂly draw and I can draw you it anyÂthing I hope you get this and I Evan got your CoraÂline book sind from you I hope you get this love angel paige and if you answer me we could get into more conÂtact if you want so bye Tim burÂton.