Beware the Horror of…The Gawper

Abbott and Costel­lo meet Tim Bur­ton in this styl­ish lit­tle trib­ute to clas­sic hor­ror films by the British ani­ma­tion team at A Large Evil Cor­po­ra­tion. (Yes, friends, they’re peo­ple too.) The moon is full and the bell tolls two as a pair of bum­bling grave rob­bers enter a fog­gy grave­yard. What hap­pens next is unspeak­ably sil­ly. The com­put­er-gen­er­at­ed 3D film was direct­ed by Seth Watkins and runs an epic one minute, 28 sec­onds.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.