Get ready for it. This week, Knopf will release Paulo CoelÂho’s latÂest novÂel, Aleph. And we’re takÂing bets on three quesÂtions. How many copies will be legalÂly sold? (The Alchemist has sold more than 65 milÂlion copies.) How many copies will be piratÂed and givÂen away? And to what extent will the cirÂcuÂlaÂtion of illeÂgal copies actuÂalÂly benÂeÂfit legit sales?
In recent years, CoelÂho has become someÂthing of a willÂing conÂspirÂaÂtor in the piratÂing of his own work. SomeÂtimes he links on his own blog to piratÂed copies floatÂing around the web. OthÂer times he makes the texts availÂable (in mulÂtiÂple lanÂguages) in a nice shareÂable widÂget.
CoelÂho explains how his advenÂtures in self-piratÂing got underÂway in a Q&A appearÂing in yesÂterÂday’s New York Times.
Q. You’ve also had sucÂcess disÂtribÂutÂing your work free. You’re famous for postÂing piratÂed verÂsion of your books online, a very unorthoÂdox move for an author.
A. I saw the first piratÂed ediÂtion of one of my books, so I said I’m going to post it online. There was a difÂfiÂcult moment in RusÂsia; they didn’t have much paper. I put this first copy online and I sold, in the first year, 10,000 copies there. And in the secÂond year it jumped to 100,000 copies. So I said, “It is workÂing.” Then I startÂed putting othÂer books online, knowÂing that if peoÂple read a litÂtle bit and they like it, they are going to buy the book. My sales were growÂing and growÂing, and one day I was at a high-tech conÂferÂence, and I made it pubÂlic.
Q. Weren’t you afraid of makÂing your pubÂlishÂer angry?
A. I was afraid, of course. But it was too late. When I returned to my place, the first phone call was from my pubÂlishÂer in the U.S. She said, “We have a probÂlem.”
Q. You’re referÂring to Jane FriedÂman, who was then the very powÂerÂful chief execÂuÂtive of HarperÂCollins?
A. Yes, Jane. She’s tough. So I got this call from her, and I said, “Jane, what do you want me to do?” So she said, let’s do it offiÂcialÂly, delibÂerÂateÂly. Thanks to her my life in the U.S. changed.
The rest of the interÂview conÂtinÂues here. And, in the meanÂtime, you can find sevÂerÂal CoelÂho books catÂaÂlogued in our colÂlecÂtion of Free eBooks.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Paulo CoelÂho on The Fear of FailÂure
Thank you Paulo… Keep rockÂing
thank you very much Mr. Paulo CoelÂho.
lets not call it piraÂcy if the author would intenÂtionÂalÂly share his/her work online.
The advanÂtage of downÂloadÂing Paulo CoelÂho’s books before buyÂing one is that you’ll save your monÂey and use it for books which qualÂiÂty is worth that price! LuckÂly when I startÂed readÂing Alchemist BrazilÂian origÂiÂnal verÂsion it was a borÂrowed book… I stopped in the third page to not offend my brain…
ConÂgratÂuÂlaÂtions, Paulo CoelÂho, for your open and comtemÂpoÂrary mind, in a time that culÂturÂal goods are shared demoÂcÂraÂtÂiÂcalÂly. The ” maluÂco beleza” soul still preÂvails.
Thank you Paulo CoelÂho. You are my best writer so let me quote a line from my favorite poet Bhuwan ThaÂpaliya in your honÂor.
“PoetÂry is, to me, the blood that cirÂcuÂlates in my veins. It is the very founÂdaÂtion of my surÂvival. WritÂing poetÂry is not only a mere hobÂby for me. It is my way of life. It is not mereÂly a tranÂsient desire of my mind. It is the eterÂnal desire of my heart. ” — Bhuwan ThaÂpaliya
Paulo is, to me, the blood that cirÂcuÂlates in my veins. He is the very founÂdaÂtion of my surÂvival. ReadÂing his words is not only a mere hobÂby for me. It is my way of life.
I salute you Paulo.
u are a big mesÂsenÂger for us.when my peoÂple in Iran are very sad through injusÂtice govÂernÂment but Paolo’s words renÂder hope for our Life