Two sciÂenÂtifÂic fields find themÂselves under attack in the UnitÂed States. EvoÂluÂtionÂary biolÂoÂgy and cliÂmaÂtolÂogy. No matÂter what the sciÂence shows, no matÂter how great the eviÂdence, evanÂgelÂiÂcals disÂmiss the whole idea of evoÂluÂtion, and our free marÂket dogÂmaÂtists, operÂatÂing under the assumpÂtion that “the busiÂness of AmerÂiÂca is busiÂness,” reject conÂcluÂsions acceptÂed by 98% of cliÂmate sciÂenÂtists — that human activÂiÂties are warmÂing the planÂet. EspeÂcialÂly when it comes to cliÂmate change, we put dogÂma before sciÂence at our own perÂil. And that’s why The RealÂiÂty CliÂmate Project, led by Al Gore, is hostÂing today and tomorÂrow an online proÂgram called 24 Hours of RealÂiÂty. Here’s what it’s all about:
24 PreÂsenÂters. 24 Time Zones. 13 LanÂguages. 1 MesÂsage. 24 Hours of RealÂiÂty is a worldÂwide event to broadÂcast the realÂiÂty of the cliÂmate criÂsis. It will conÂsist of a new mulÂtiÂmeÂdia preÂsenÂtaÂtion creÂatÂed by Al Gore and delivÂered once per hour for 24 hours, repÂreÂsentÂing every time zone around the globe. Each hour peoÂple livÂing with the realÂiÂty of cliÂmate change will conÂnect the dots between recent extreme weathÂer events — includÂing floods, droughts and storms — and the manÂmade polÂluÂtion that is changÂing our cliÂmate. We will offer a round-the-clock, round-the-globe snapÂshot of the cliÂmate criÂsis in real time. The deniers may have milÂlions of dolÂlars to spend, but we have a powÂerÂful advanÂtage. We have realÂiÂty.
Click here to find the locaÂtion — or locaÂtions — where you would like to watch a preÂsenÂtaÂtion.
As long as Al Gore is the front man for this stuff, many peoÂple will not take it seriÂousÂly. Isn’t there anyÂone who could be a betÂter spokesman for this.
“Two sciÂenÂtifÂic fields find themÂselves under attack in the UnitÂed States. EvoÂluÂtionÂary biolÂoÂgy and cliÂmaÂtolÂogy”
While DarÂwin has been attacked for decades, it is hyperÂbole to say cliÂmaÂtolÂogy is under attack. GlobÂal warmÂing caused by human activÂiÂty is quesÂtioned and there are many reaÂsons to quesÂtion the hypothÂeÂsis referred to as AGW.
And as for Al Gore, we can surÂmise that he doesÂn’t believe what he is sayÂing or he would not travÂel in SUVs, ride in priÂvate jets, or live in a house that costs 20x to heat and cool as an averÂage US home.
His behavÂior is antinÂoÂmiÂan and canÂnot be jusÂtiÂfied. Does anyÂone think GhanÂdi would have sucÂceedÂed if he’d lived like Al Gore? If Al is seriÂous, he needs to behave like GhanÂdi and not Hugh HefnÂer.
You just lost me as a loyÂal visÂiÂtor.
Why do I still read comÂments?
I do hope more peoÂple and more types of peoÂple will spend their time eduÂcatÂing othÂers about levÂels of accepÂtance and cerÂtainÂty among cliÂmate sciÂenÂtists.
Great site, cruÂcial post
I do hope that more peoÂple will not be pulled into this madÂness. The only thing for cerÂtain is that there is no cerÂtainÂty. Please focus on polÂluÂtion instead cliÂmate change.