Snack Foods of Great Writers

Wendy Mac­Naughton, an artist and illus­tra­tor liv­ing in San Fran­cis­co, won­dered what snacks fueled some of our great­est writ­ers. F. Scott Fitzger­ald turned to apples and canned meats, and Kaf­ka to milk, dur­ing their dai­ly writ­ing rou­tines. How about Lord Byron, Emi­ly Dick­in­son, Mar­cel Proust, John Stein­beck, Tru­man Capote or food writer Michael Pol­lan? Mac­Naughton tells you about their dietary habits in The New York Times Book Review. (And it just so hap­pens you can find texts by many of these authors in our col­lec­tion of Free eBooks.)

Mac­Naughton’s illus­trat­ed col­umn, â€śMean­while,” appears reg­u­lar­ly at The Rum­pus.

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