The Persecution of Daniel Lee

A sto­ry appear­ing in July’s Stan­ford Mag­a­zine begins with the cap­tion: “An Inter­net smear cam­paign near­ly destroyed the South Kore­an star, but he fought back with the only weapon he had: the truth.” And, from there, you’re launched into one of the more flab­ber­gast­ing sto­ries you’ve read in some time. Give The Per­se­cu­tion of Daniel Lee a read, and you’ll see that we’re not being the least bit hyper­bol­ic.

The inter­net can be a won­der­ful place. We all know that. But, as with any oth­er place humans inhab­it, it has a dark side, and that’s what we encounter here…

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  • Hang says:

    The sto­ry is unbe­liev­able. I am like speech­less read­ing the whole arti­cle. I lis­tened to his music few times and liked it. It is so true that peo­ple believe what they want to believe. And the dark side of inter­net is just hor­ri­fy­ing!

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.