In FebÂruÂary 2010, the Paris-based band Hold Your HorsÂes! released a music video to go with their song “70 MilÂlion,” which became an immeÂdiÂate sucÂcess. In the video, the band memÂbers recreÂatÂed famous paintÂings, takÂing the viewÂer on an enterÂtainÂing tour through art hisÂtoÂry. Try to idenÂtiÂfy as many paintÂings as posÂsiÂble, then comÂpare your results with the list of the actuÂal paintÂings below the jump. Enjoy — and let us know your scores! And, of course, HapÂpy Bastille Day.
**********SPOILER ALERT!**********
These are the paintÂings recreÂatÂed in the video:
1. LeonarÂdo da VinÂci: The Last SupÂper (1495–1498)
2. SanÂdro BotÂtiÂcelÂli: The Birth of Venus (c. 1486)
3. RemÂbrandt: The AnatoÂmy LesÂson of Dr. NicoÂlaes Tulp (1632)
4. Hans HolÂbein: HenÂry VIII (1536) / Johannes VerÂmeer: Girl with a Pearl EarÂring (c. 1665)
5. ThĂ©odore GĂ©riÂcault: The Raft of the Medusa (1818–1819)
6. Jacques-Louis David: The Death of Marat (1793)
7. MichelanÂgeÂlo: The CreÂation of Adam (c. 1511)
8. René Magritte: The Son of Man (1964)
9. Piet MonÂdriÂan: ComÂpoÂsiÂtion II in Red, Blue, and YelÂlow (1930)
10. FriÂda Kahlo: Self-PorÂtrait (1938)
11. Pablo PicasÂso: PorÂtrait of Dora Maar SeatÂed (1937)
12. Edvard Munch: The Scream (1893)
13. VinÂcent van Gogh: Self-PorÂtrait With BanÂdaged Ear (1889)
14. Andy Warhol: The Shot MarÂiÂlyns (1964)
15. Unknown: Gabrielle d’Estrées et une de ses sœurs (c. 1594)
16. Cimabue: MadonÂna and Child Enthroned with Eight Angels and Four Prophets (1280)
17. CarÂavagÂgio: The BeheadÂing of Saint John the BapÂtist (1608)
18. Édouard Manet: Olympia (1863)
19. Eugène Delacroix: LibÂerÂty LeadÂing the PeoÂple (1830)
20. Otto Dix: PorÂtrait of the JourÂnalÂist Sylvia von HardÂen (1926)
21. GusÂtav Klimt: The Kiss (1907–1908)
- repÂeÂtiÂtion of 10, 13, 9, 11, 8, 12, 14 -
22. Marc ChaÂgall: The Bride (1950)
23. Diego Velázquez: Las MeniÂnas (The Maids of HonÂor) (1656)
24. VinÂcent van Gogh: SunÂflowÂers (1888)
Bonus mateÂrÂiÂal: PromoNews has conÂductÂed an interÂview with the direcÂtors of this music video. A side-by-side comÂparÂiÂson of the recreÂatÂed paintÂings and the origÂiÂnals can be found here, high-resÂoÂluÂtion scans here. Last but not least: the lyrics to the song.
By proÂfesÂsion, Matthias RaschÂer teachÂes EngÂlish and HisÂtoÂry at a High School in northÂern Bavaria, GerÂmany. In his free time he scours the web for good links and posts the best finds on TwitÂter.
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