Name That Painting!

In Feb­ru­ary 2010, the Paris-based band Hold Your Hors­es! released a music video to go with their song “70 Mil­lion,” which became an imme­di­ate suc­cess. In the video, the band mem­bers recre­at­ed famous paint­ings, tak­ing the view­er on an enter­tain­ing tour through art his­to­ry. Try to iden­ti­fy as many paint­ings as pos­si­ble, then com­pare your results with the list of the actu­al paint­ings below the jump. Enjoy — and let us know your scores! And, of course, Hap­py Bastille Day.

**********SPOILER ALERT!**********

These are the paint­ings recre­at­ed in the video:

1. Leonar­do da Vin­ci: The Last Sup­per (1495–1498)

2. San­dro Bot­ti­cel­li: The Birth of Venus (c. 1486)

3. Rem­brandt: The Anato­my Les­son of Dr. Nico­laes Tulp (1632)

4. Hans Hol­bein: Hen­ry VIII (1536) / Johannes Ver­meer: Girl with a Pearl Ear­ring (c. 1665)

5. Théodore Géri­cault: The Raft of the Medusa (1818–1819)

6. Jacques-Louis David: The Death of Marat (1793)

7. Michelan­ge­lo: The Cre­ation of Adam (c. 1511)

8. René Magritte: The Son of Man (1964)

9. Piet Mon­dri­an: Com­po­si­tion II in Red, Blue, and Yel­low (1930)

10. Fri­da Kahlo: Self-Por­trait (1938)

11. Pablo Picas­so: Por­trait of Dora Maar Seat­ed (1937)

12. Edvard Munch: The Scream (1893)

13. Vin­cent van Gogh: Self-Por­trait With Ban­daged Ear (1889)

14. Andy Warhol: The Shot Mar­i­lyns (1964)

15. Unknown: Gabrielle d’Estrées et une de ses sœurs (c. 1594)

16. Cimabue: Madon­na and Child Enthroned with Eight Angels and Four Prophets (1280)

17. Car­avag­gio: The Behead­ing of Saint John the Bap­tist (1608)

18. Édouard Manet: Olympia (1863)

19. Eugène Delacroix: Lib­er­ty Lead­ing the Peo­ple (1830)

20. Otto Dix: Por­trait of the Jour­nal­ist Sylvia von Hard­en (1926)

21. Gus­tav Klimt: The Kiss (1907–1908)

- rep­e­ti­tion of 10, 13, 9, 11, 8, 12, 14 -

22. Marc Cha­gall: The Bride (1950)

23. Diego Velázquez: Las Meni­nas (The Maids of Hon­or) (1656)

24. Vin­cent van Gogh: Sun­flow­ers (1888)

Bonus mate­r­i­al: PromoNews has con­duct­ed an inter­view with the direc­tors of this music video. A side-by-side com­par­i­son of the recre­at­ed paint­ings and the orig­i­nals can be found here, high-res­o­lu­tion scans here. Last but not least: the lyrics to the song.

By pro­fes­sion, Matthias Rasch­er teach­es Eng­lish and His­to­ry at a High School in north­ern Bavaria, Ger­many. In his free time he scours the web for good links and posts the best finds on Twit­ter.

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