Good luck staying dry-eyed through this moving tribute to Jim Henson, which features a group of puppets trying to cope with the death of their beloved creator. It’s a long time since we’ve seen the so-called stages of grief dramatized so beautifully and with such economy. (The filmmakers recently followed up their 5‑minute short with a trailer for what looks like a promising feature-length version.)
Henson fans may also want to check out his 1969 video primer on how to make puppets, as well as this new exhibit at the Museum of the Moving Image, which hosts a wonderful tribute to the puppeteer’s long time collaboration with Frank Oz.
Sheerly Avni is a San Francisco-based arts and culture writer. Her work has appeared in Salon, LA Weekly, Mother Jones, and many other publications. You can follow her on twitter at @sheerly.
It’s kind of creepy in a Weekend at Bernie’s kind of way.