As gimmicks go, the moving GIF is almost as old as the internet itself. But artists Jamie Beck and Kevin Berg have taken their animated photographs, or “cinemagraphs,” as Beck calls them, far beyond the original gimmick. While some of their images tend towards kitsch, featuring cliches like long hair rustling in the breeze, or wine pouring from a bottle, the duo (see a collection of their photos here) has also produced several shots of startling beauty: A single newspaper page rustles in a frozen park. The reflection of a taxicab glides like a ghost across a window. A beautiful woman suddenly seems to catch you staring at her. The effect is pure paranoia, like early Polanski, or a morning walk on no sleep.
So is the cinemagraph the future of photography, or just a neat trick? You can join that debate over at flickr.
Thanks to Eric Strenger and @eugenephoto for the tip.
Sheerly Avni is a San Francisco-based arts and culture writer. Her work has appeared in Salon, LA Weekly, Mother Jones, and many other publications. You can follow her on twitter at @sheerly.
This is pretty clever. I really like it. I like this image as a still image already so the added effect is cool.
Hmm, I wonder what kind of effect they applied, and how. It feels like unnatural bokeh, creating an almost tilt-shift look. There’s not much contrast. And then there is some kind of color change aswell, the shadows are blueish-green and the highlights are reddish-yellow. If I would do it, I would use AlienSkin Bokeh and Adobe Lightroom with Photolooks. But I’m a real beginner, so I have no idea. Whatever works though, right?
As for the woman mentioned in the text, I cannot for the life of me see any woman at all in this image. But then I cannot see 3D-images either. Depth perception was never my strong suit.
@ Robin — that is because the taxi, the woman and the newspaper are all in separate pictures; only the taxi is illustrated above. To see the other pictures, you need to click the link.
I find it interesting that in the barber shop pic in the link, there is a reflection of the twirling blue and red cylinder (a reflection of the main effect) inside the shop on the upper left hand side. It’s quite subtle and I almost missed it!
After Effects
Here’s my contribution, my first use of this technique
Here’s my contribution to this new and fun technique!
This technique isn’t new. At least five years ago, one photographer’s website featured photographs of cemeteries, churches, and stone angels.
At one point, crows would fly past in the distance, or the angels would suddenly open their eyes to stare at you. I remember them being very freaky and beautiful simultaneously.
Anyone come across this site or these images… would love to browse them again?
Total rip off of what this has has been doing for a while.
I am in love with this idea. Here is my first try out. Will be glad to know what you think:
I really like creative use and subtlety of DSLR photography and movement.