I can’t say that we’ll be watchÂing the royÂal wedÂding. But we should at least put a thin veneer of intelÂliÂgence on top of the shalÂlow specÂtaÂcle. That’s our job. In two very quick minÂutes, Emory hisÂtoÂriÂan Patrick Allitt sketchÂes out the hisÂtoÂry of royÂal wedÂdings, and tells you why this “RoyÂal WilldÂing” stands out…
Why would you say, or think, a wedÂding is a shalÂlow specÂtaÂcle”?
Why would you say, or think, a wedÂding is a shalÂlow specÂtaÂcle”?
No-one is sayÂing wedÂdings are shalÂlow specÂtaÂcles. They are often wonÂderÂful disÂplays of love and devoÂtion between two peoÂple and can be very movÂing, even if you don’t believe in the instiÂtuÂtion. HowÂevÂer a royÂal wedÂding is nothÂing of the sort. It’s an attempt to conÂtinÂue the royÂal bloodÂline, to pump more life into a vile and decayÂing sysÂtem of privÂilge and powÂer through birthright. As my friend rightÂly put it — “Dear citÂiÂzen. We’re havÂing a wedÂding. You’re payÂing for it but you’re not invitÂed. Now run along and have a street parÂty in our honÂour. There’s a good peasÂant. From Will and Kate.”
It’s not just shalÂlow, it’s manÂiÂfestÂly wrong that such attenÂtion and such vast amounts of monÂey should be lavÂished on two peoÂple who seem to have done nothÂing to deserve it beyond one of them being born to someÂone who died in a car crash.
Your opinÂions seem to be out of sync with the majorÂiÂty of those of us who live under the sysÂtem you think you are describÂing.
A strong majorÂiÂty (63%) of Britains of all politÂiÂcal perÂsuaÂsions and social groups think that Britain would be worse off withÂout the monarÂchy. SixÂty-sevÂen perÂcent – includÂing fifty-sevÂen perÂcent of 18–24s – think the monarÂchy is relÂeÂvant to life in Britain today. Lucky is the pubÂlic instiÂtuÂtion of any counÂtry that can boast of such supÂport.
The fact that Queen ElizÂaÂbeth II has a sixÂty-one perÂcent favourable ratÂing among AmerÂiÂcans and that sevÂenÂty-one perÂcent of AmerÂiÂcans say the RoyÂal famÂiÂly “is a good thing” for the British peoÂple seems to supÂport the opinÂion of sixÂty perÂcent of the British pubÂlic that the monarÂchy is someÂthing that improves Britain’s image around the world.
Oh, and by the way, sixÂty-six perÂcent of the UK pubÂlic (and sevÂenÂty-five perÂcent of the US) still have a favourable opinÂion of the woman who died in that car crash nearÂly fourÂteen years ago.
I think it is very meanÂingÂful to the peoÂple of Britain and very ungenÂerÂous of us to critÂiÂcize their instiÂtuÂtions. It brought peoÂple togethÂer, and we have no right to make fun of it. Their traÂdiÂtions are a thouÂsand years old, how old are ours? Keep snark out of this.