A Free Archive of 85,000 Classical Music Scores

Worth a quick men­tion: The New York Times ran a sto­ry yes­ter­day pro­fil­ing the Inter­na­tion­al Music Score Library Project, a crowd­sourced web site that index­es clas­si­cal music scores (though not with­out rais­ing some copy­right con­cerns along the way). IMSL hosts 85,000 scores with sev­er­al thou­sand new ones com­ing online every month. You can find Bach’s Bran­den­burg Con­cer­tos, Mozart’s Eine kleine Nacht­musik, Beethoven’s Sym­pho­ny No. 5 – in short, the major ones along with the minor ones. And, in some cas­es, the archive includes audio record­ings. Tchaikovsky’s Nut­crack­er offers an exam­ple. You can find a full list of free audio record­ings (arranged by com­pos­er) here.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

A Big Bach Down­load — All Bach Organ Works for Free

How a Bach Canon Works. Bril­liant

Stream 58 Hours of Free Clas­si­cal Music Select­ed to Help You Study, Work, or Sim­ply Relax

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Comments (24)
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  • A huge amount of free, down­load­able clas­si­cal record­ings are avail­able at http://www.classiccat.net/

  • rafique ismail says:

    pop­u­lar sheet music for piano please!

  • Appollo succar says:

    im a musi­cien con­bac­tor
    i would like to receive some clas­sic & jazz score .so please send me som cat­a­logues or some clas­si­cal score for free .wait­ing for your email.
    thanks in advanced.….
    best regards

  • To learn more about the take­down notice from the MPA UK : http://imslpjournal.org/tag/mpa/
    For oth­er great free sheet music ressources, you also have the http://www.mutopiaproject.org/

  • r. moon says:

    Ur web site is a joke. Been try­ing to dig down to locate the clas­si­cal music MP3s & all i get is a run around. Are U hid­ing the links on pur­pose ?

  • lisa says:

    would like to sub­scribe to clas­si­cal music scores

  • kenneth remember says:

    request­ing for some music pliz

  • Jimbo says:

    cough up the scores, how about i mail you a 1TB hard dri­ve and you hook me up?

  • Al Fiscaletti says:

    Why the deroga­to­ry lan­guage?

  • Mrs.Daphne Molson says:

    I was affil­i­at­ed a piano teacher with the Ontario Reg­is­tered Music Teach­ers Asso­ci­a­tion for two years but I had no mon­ey to pay a music repetoire to teach with. Pro­fes­sor Robert Green­berg’s Great Cours­es of Music I was able to buy from Chan­til­ly, Vir­ginia to help grad­u­ate myself fur­ther with the Roy­al Con­ser­va­to­ry of Music cost me so much and any grand piano and house to teach in and the bills for it and my son and an acci­dent he had and I had I ask you please send me 80,000 Clas­si­cal Music scores to exam­ine to com­plete 450 piano works I have com­posed need­ing cor­rect­ing and per­for­mance again. had many piano per­for­mance prizes, any five year piano per­for­mance con­tract with the Nation­al Arts Coun­cil for­mer Direc­tor Robert Daigneault, and have had 30 years of being a mul­ti­medi­um artist spon­sored by Cana­da Coun­cil for the Arts any grant mon­ey insignif­i­cant to exhuib­it me with oth­er artists spon­sored in over 500 exhi­bi­tions. Hav­ing your free music scores will com­plete more than 450 score works I have stored in my home. Please grant me the 80,000 Clas­si­cal Music Scores for Pro­fes­sor Green­berg and The Great Cours­es do not have them. Thank you very much. Daphne Mol­son

  • lamartine says:

    Sheet music, please !

  • obakeng says:

    M look­ing 4 this score (pre­pare & blessed the glad)semele by GF Han­del

  • V Kaycoff says:

    Don’t for­get cpdl.org for scores of choral music!

  • Nina Tepedino says:

    Do you have access to the score for FACADE Dame Edith Sitwell’s poems score with musi­cal accom­pa­ni­ment by William Wal­ton? Please let me know. With appre­ci­a­tion, Nina

  • Reg says:

    Sheep may safe­ly graze

  • Thoko Thotobolo says:

    How to down­load free music scores on this app

  • Thoko Thotobolo says:

    How to down­load free music scores on this app Quin­tet K.581
    W.A Mozart for Clar­inet

  • Efrain says:

    Try this site I think it could help you on your project


    the best on your project

  • AM Williams says:

    I am look­ing for:- Tschaikowsky Piano Con­cer­to No. 1 tran­scrip­tion by Har­ry J Stafford

  • AM Williams says:

    Music Score for:- Piano — Tschaikowsky Piano Con­cer­to No.1 (tran­scrip­tion by Har­ry J Stafford)

  • AM Williams says:

    Please find the above music score for me.

  • AM Williams says:


  • Gyorgy Lengyel says:

    I should like to get — as a few years ago I got — infor­ma­tions .
    My subjects:Classical music, the­atre, film .
    I should like to lis­ten, to read news and his­to­ry, also to watch films from your enoor­mous film library.
    Thank you in advance,
    Emer­i­tus Pro­fes­sor

  • Future Bright says:

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