The Poetry of Photographer Milton Rogovin

Before the week comes to an offi­cial close, we want­ed to remem­ber and cel­e­brate the life of Mil­ton Rogovin, a social doc­u­men­tary pho­tog­ra­ph­er who, in the tra­di­tion of Walk­er Evans, used his cam­era to cham­pi­on the under­priv­i­leged — the work­ing poor and the under­class­es liv­ing in the Unit­ed States and beyond. He died this past week at the old age of 101. The New York Times revis­its his work in this obit­u­ary, and the short video above gives you a glimpse of the man and his body of work.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.