John Wayne: 26 Free Western Films Online


32 years after his death, John Wayne (né Mar­i­on Mor­ri­son) remains a tremen­dous­ly pop­u­lar movie star. Accord­ing to a Har­ris Poll tak­en ear­li­er this month (Jan­u­ary 2011), Amer­i­cans still rank The Duke as their third most favorite actor, putting him right behind John­ny Depp and Den­zel Wash­ing­ton. No doubt about it, the leg­end of John Wayne con­tin­ues to grow. And hap­pi­ly you can find a gold mine of John Wayne West­ern films online – all free. Today, we have pulled togeth­er a list of 25 films that span five decades of work, mov­ing from the 1930s to the 1970s. You can find them all oth­er­wise list­ed in our col­lec­tion of Free Movies Online.

  • Angel and the Bad­man Free — A black and white West­ern star­ring John Wayne and Gail Rus­sell. Con­sid­ered a rad­i­cal depar­ture from the West­ern genre at the time. Find Inter­net Archive ver­sion here. (1947)
  • Blue Steel – Free – John Wayne plays a U.S. Mar­shal try­ing to cap­ture the Pol­ka Dot Ban­dit. Some con­sid­er it the best of the John Wayne Lone Star films. (1934)
  • Born to the WestFree — Can Dare Rudd prove he is respon­si­ble enough to win the heart of Judy and also out­wit the crooked saloon own­er? Stars John Wayne, Mar­sha Hunt and John Mack Brown.
  • Fron­tier Hori­zon - Free — The Three Mes­que­teers try to pre­vent whole­sale slaugh­ter in this fine Repub­lic West­ern. Stars John Wayne, Ray “Crash” Cor­ri­g­an, and Ray­mond Hat­ton. (1939)
  • Hell­town — Free — Orig­i­nal­ly called “Born to the West,” this John Wayne West­ern was based on a nov­el by Zane Grey, an impor­tant author of West­ern nov­els. (1937)
  • McLin­tock! — Free — Com­e­dy West­ern star­ring John Wayne and Mau­reen O’Hara. Loose­ly based on Shakespeare’s The Tam­ing of the Shrew. (1963)
  • ‘Neath the Ari­zona Skies — Free — John Wayne plays a cow­boy pro­tect­ing an oil-land heiress. (1934)
  • Par­adise Canyon — Free — Fea­tures Wayne as “gov­ern­ment agent John Wyatt who search­es for a coun­ter­feit ring oper­at­ing on the Mexican/Arizona bor­der.” (1935)
  • Rain­bow Val­leyFree — John Mar­tin (John Wayne) is a “gov­ern­ment agent work­ing under cov­er. Lead­ing cit­i­zen Mor­gan calls in gun­man Butch Galt (Buf­fa­lo Bill Jr.) who blows Mar­t­in’s cov­er.” Find the YouTube ver­sion here. (1935)
  • Randy Rides Alone – Free – Jailed for mur­ders he didn’t com­mit, Randy Bow­ers (John Wayne) escapes only to stum­ble into the den of the real mur­der­ers. Enter­tain­ing ear­ly Wayne West­ern. (1934)
  • Rid­ers of Des­tiny -FreeJohn Wayne por­trays Sin­gin’ Sandy Saun­ders and has a rep­u­ta­tion as the most noto­ri­ous gun­man since Bil­ly the Kid. Wayne was the first singing cow­boy, but his singing was dubbed, and it was the last time he “sang” in a West­ern. (1933)
  • Sage­brush Trail — Free — John Wayne plays John Brant who escapes from jail after being wrong­ly accused of mur­der. Fea­tures great stage­coach chase. (1933)
  • Texas Ter­ror — Free – A young John Wayne in a roman­tic West­ern. (1935)
  • The Dawn Rid­er Free — John Wayne plays John Mason, a man aveng­ing his father’s mur­der. A West­ern direct­ed by Robert Brad­bury. (1935)
  • The Desert Trail Free — Ear­ly West­ern with John Wayne. Accord­ing to West­ern­Clip­pings, not Wayne’s finest hour. (1935)
  • The Law­less Fron­tier Free – B West­ern star­ring John Wayne and direct­ed by Robert Brad­bury. (1934)
  • The Lucky Tex­an Free — Jer­ry Mason (played by John Wayne) and Jake Ben­son become part­ners and strike it rich with a gold mine. (1934)
  • The Man From Utah Free – The Mar­shal sends John West­on (John Wayne) to a “rodeo to see if he can find out who is killing the rodeo rid­ers who are about to win prize mon­ey.” (1934)
  • The Range FeudFree — Clint Turn­er is arrest­ed for the mur­der of his girl­friend Judy’s father, a rival ranch­er who was an ene­my of his own father. Stars John Wayne and Buck Jones. (1931)
  • The Star Pack­er Free – “A gang work­ing for ‘The Shad­ow’ is ter­ror­iz­ing the town. John Tra­vers (John Wayne) decides to take on the job of sher­iff and do some­thing about it.” (1934)
  • The Trail Beyond — Free – West­ern star­ring John Wayne, Noah Beery, Sr., and Noah Beery, Jr. (1934)
  • Two Fist­ed Law - Free — After Rob Rus­sell steals Tim Clark’s ranch, Clark starts prospect­ing for sil­ver. Stars John Wayne and Tim McCoy. (1932)
  • War of the Wild­cats Free – John Wayne stars in a West­ern also released under the title In Old Okla­homa. One of Wayne’s bet­ter post-Stage­coach per­for­mances. (1943)
  • West of the Divide – Free – A young John Wayne in a B West­ern. (1934)
  • Winds of the Waste­landFree — The arrival of the tele­graph put Pony Express rid­ers like John Blair (John Wayne) and his pal Smoky (Lane Chan­dler) out of work they try to start a stage­coach route through a ghost town. A rival stage­coach com­pa­ny tries to stop them. (1936)

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Comments (49)
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  • Guest says:

    umu00a0 sou00a0 WHERES THEu00a0 BLOODYu00a0 FREu00a0 MOVIESu00a0 ALLL Iu00a0 SEEu00a0 ARE ADSu00a0 .…… LMAO

  • denis says:

    Love his movies a all time great

  • Wow- what an amaz­ing site.
    Thanks for you ded­i­ca­tion to con­tin­ude learn­ing.
    Ray Ban­nis­ter

  • Asheber Bekele says:

    Thanks for these mem­o­ries.
    I remem­ber the films of John Wyane, when I had been a child. I am very hap­py to look for some of these films again in my old age.

    A Lot of thanks for you peo­ple. Real­ly you are great.


  • neville jack says:

    now 70 ‚first jw film was hondo,now watch/collect as many as I can : own apprx 60.Still the most charis­mat­ic, easy,screen per­former;

  • Denis Porter says:

    i loved john wayne films i hope they will be around for years to come?

  • Denis Porter says:

    i love john wayne films hope they will be around for a long time to come?

  • Antonio Pitaguari Maranguape says:

    This is just what I was look­ing and expect­ing for.For me the best link ever.
    Thanks a lot.

  • Maricel says:

    Thanks for free films,I real­ly love John Wayne!

  • John Hartzell says:

    Hel­lo all! I am a retired Coast Guard offi­cer. I am search­ing for an old 1936 John Wayne movie called “Sea Spoil­ers”. Any chance that you can put it on this web site so we can view it? Thanks in advance!
    John Hartzell
    U. S. Coast Guard (ret)

  • jake says:

    my name is Jake and I am a West­ern Star

  • john banahan says:

    hi, can you not get “the qui­et man ” best movie ever … john

  • errol says:

    i like john wayne

  • yes , i like john wayne but My fawored Lucky luck

  • Doremus Jessup says:

    Thanks for list­ing these… but that’s only 21 movies — your title says 25. Per­chance do you have links to four more of his movies? Thanx!

  • Willy Corten says:

    I like West­ern Movies With John Wayne also Clint East­wood.

  • Bill Brown says:

    Love his movies; Favorite b & w is

  • Jeg er pen­sion­ist og bor i Thai­land, jeg bruger en del tid på at finde gam­le film jeg elsker John Wayne jeg wille meget gerne se en liste med navnene på alle hans film. på forhånd tak.

    Kærlig hilsen fra

    Poul Erik Stie Thai­land

  • Paul Duffy says:

    I came across this web­site by chance, I am from Gal­way in Ire­land, He was main actor in the Qui­et Man in 1953 made in Gal­way.
    My Moth­er Peg­gy Dil­lon from Spid­dal co Gal­way ( she is now 89 years )was dis­tant cousin of John Ford who was direc­tor of Qui­et Man. She loved John Wayne .
    Paul Duffy

  • bob dearden says:

    there is only one John Wayne and there is no one past or present who can get into the same pad­dock.
    I first saw him in a movie in 1963 (HATARI)and have been a fan ever since.
    I start­ed a col­lec­tion in the ear­ly 80’s
    still some miss­ing but am dri­ving my
    local dvd shops mad.
    bob dear­den

  • At one time I had a lit­tle over 100 dif­fer­ent John Wayne movies, plus some of them repeat­ed. I still might have that many but they are split up between my broth­er and I. He is still in Texas and I am now liv­ing in the Philip­pines.
    John Wayne has been my favorite actor since I can remem­ber.
    It’s hard to pick a favorite John Wayne movie so I just watch them all, many times over.

  • Phil says:

    Im look­ing for “They were expendable”.…any ideas??

  • John Mckay says:

    I grew up watch­ing old west­erns, I like them all; there’s a cer­tain feel­ing one gets from watch­ing these clas­sics, most of the actor’s and actress’s are gone but they left us won­der­ful mem­o­ries. Per­son­al­ly I enjoy old­er movies and music, they take one back to a time when life was sim­ple, not in such a big hur­ry.

  • David Bowman says:

    “Amer­i­cans still rank The Duke as their third most favorite actor, putting him right behind John­ny Depp and Den­zel Wash­ing­ton.” I think that John Wayne is bet­ter than them both and should be num­ber one and NOT #3. Just look at all of the movies“HE” was in!! He was in over 150 mmovies. It would be nice to see more free John Wayne movies here. There are still many that I had nev­er seen from the ear­ly 1920’s and 30’s that I would like to see here. I have all of the movies list­ed here on DVD’s.As of right now, I have 33 of his movies and I do have ” They Were Expend­able” Which I had got­ten from Wal­mart here in Den­ver, CO.It also has: Oper­a­tion pacif­ic, Fly­ing Lea­the­necks, Back to Bataan. Wal­mart has some of John Wayne movies.

  • MermaidGirl888 says:

    I have been look­ing for “The Qui­et Man” and “Dono­van’s Reef” for weeks. These are my two most favorite movies with The Duke. Any chance they will be soon avail­able here? Thank you! :)

  • william cuddihy says:

    john wayne was the man look at stage­coach 1939 and his last film the shoo­tist 1976 over the 37 years we the fans always got 5 star enjoy­ment

  • PedroRoberto says:

    This is one hel­lu­va site, and I can­not help but come back to it timt and again!!!
    Well done!!!

  • Jose Garcia says:

    Hel­lo. I have been a John Wayne enthu­sious for most of my life. I appre­ci­ate you hav­ing this site and would like to know,if you will get “North to Alas­ka”? My wife and I saw it on our “Hon­ey­moon”. Thank you.

  • Mr B J Evans says:

    Hi all you John Wayne fans. J/W made a total of 176 films and documentary’s.I am a mem­ber of The John Wayne film Soci­ety based in Not­ting­hamshire. As a mem­ber i have had access to films not on gen­er­al release. Out of the 176 i need 13, near­ly all are no known copies exist. the soci­ety find J/W films and have them restored. the soci­ety’s tele­phone num­ber for mem­ber­ship is 01623 442946. e‑mail da**********@nt******.com all films can be pur­chased through the soci­ety as a mem­ber. good luck.

  • Alastair Tweed says:

    I have list­ed 171 JW films. I am open to per­sua­sion of more. I try to trans­fer to DVD either by copy or by pur­chas­ing. If any­one is avail­able to sup­ply a copy site for these please get in touch.

  • hesham alwan says:


  • burhan says:

    yes ..

  • Thoma Burns says:

    I am a short uy and Bob Steel­was my favorite ‚I guess because of our sizes being about the same So You have any of Bob’s movies to show
    thanks if you so …

  • Kerry says:

    I am look­ing for JW’s “Fly­ing Tigers”. Bur where is it?

  • Jan says:

    I’ve pur­chased many of the Duke’s movies from And CBC

  • Jan says:

    Sor­ry I hit the wrong key. It’s not cb. Sor­ry.

  • Michael Pearse says:

    I’d say the Duke beats them both com­bined 10 times over …don’t make them movie’s no more gone are the days of sit­ting down with ya pop’s son watch these films at about 10 year old I’m now near­ly 50 all but and I NEVER GET TIRED WATCHING HIS CLASSIC’S ESPECIALLY SONS OF KATEY ELDER..CHISUM RIO LOBO RIO GRANDA I CAN GO ON AND ON PURE CLASS.… (THE KING DUKE OF THE SCREENS !PERIOD!

  • Freed Garvin says:

    what 1920’s movie title has 3 let­ters ‚three­let­ters, and four let­ters

  • fred garvin says:

    the­first request meant to say the title has 5 let­ters in the third word. in the era is the 20th cen­tu­ry

  • George irvine says:

    I have been a John Wayne man since first Duke film? Rid­ers of Des­tiny. That’s when Earl Dwire dad shot thru both hands by sin­gin Sandy ( John Wayne) He used to get the girl in those days. John­ny Mack Brown always got the girl up until he retired. That was until He’ll Town then he lost the girl to Duke. Should have made more togeth­er.

  • Craig Mc Leod says:


  • vivek Upadhyay says:

    Hi Bob,

    I am great JOHN Wayne Fan from India. Unfor­tu­nate­ly I nev­er saw him as he left the world a year before I was born.
    Please may you help me with some of his work between 1940 and 1960.

    Kind regards’

  • Pariah says:

    I would like to see some of John Wayne’s movies from the ’60s and ’70s I see a bunch of his movies here that you have are all old ones from before the 60s how about putting some new­er movies from’60s to 70s up

  • Guest says:

    Any­one from 2024

  • Guest says:

    If so I real­ly love the sup­port of this web­site with all it’s nice and impres­sive fea­tures.

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