Who knew that alcoÂhol could take on such beauÂty? What looks like abstract art above is actuÂalÂly your everyÂday CosÂmopoliÂtan. And, withÂin this largÂer colÂlecÂtion, you will disÂcovÂer the microÂscopÂic beauÂty of The Bloody Mary, Dry MarÂtiÂni, Pina ColaÂda, Sake, TequiÂla, VodÂka TonÂic, Whiskey, and White RussÂian. For more micro phoÂtogÂraÂphy, check out the winÂner of the 2010 Nikon InterÂnaÂtionÂal Small World PhoÂtomiÂcrogÂraÂphy ComÂpeÂtiÂtion, and our post earÂliÂer this week, The First Snowflake PhoÂtos (1885).
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